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Using VBA’s Help system


The VBA Help system describes every object, property, and method available to you, and also provides sample code. This is an excellent resource for finding out about VBA, and it’s more comprehensive than any book on the market. But it’s also very boring to read.

If you’re using Excel 2013 or later, you must be connected to the internet to use the VBA Help system (previous versions don’t have this requirement). You can, however, download the VBA Help system from Microsoft’s website. Do a web search for download excel VBA documentation, and you’ll find it.

If you’re working in a VBA module and want information about a particular object, method, or property, move the cursor to the word you’re interested in and press F1. In a few seconds, you’ll see the appropriate Help topic displayed in your web browser, complete with cross-references, and perhaps even an example or two.

Figure 4-3 shows part of a screen from the VBA Help system — in this case, for the Copy method of the Range object.

FIGURE 4-3: An example from VBA’s Help system.

Excel VBA Programming For Dummies

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