Читать книгу Packaging Technology and Engineering - Dipak Kumar Sarker - Страница 3
List of Tables
Оглавление1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 Packaging: contains, protects, preserves, transports, ‘informs’, and ‘...Table 1.2 Accepted international identity and recycling codes from the American ...
2 Chapter 3Table 3.1 Metals and their use in packaging.Table 3.2 The elemental composition (by percentage) of common metals used in pac...Table 3.3 Types of polymer packaging: polyolefins, cellulosics, and polyisoprene...Table 3.4 Polyethylene types and properties.Table 3.5 Laminates for use in packaging for gas and water barrier properties, m...Table 3.6 Coal tar dyes, lakes, and pigments.Table 3.7 Resistant coatings to protect packaging and product.Table 3.8 Packaging permeability for gases and water vapour recalculated and bas...Table 3.9 Physicochemical testing of packaging.
3 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Surface energy and wetting of packaging materials.Table 4.2 Brittleness, hardness, and Mohs scale.Table 4.3 Puncture and slip test methods.
4 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Fundamental requirements of packaging.Table 6.2 Napoleon's influence and the history time line from the early years of...Table 6.3 Thermal conductivity and heat transfer data for a range of packaging m...Table 6.4 Cartons, sterilised pouches, and the aseptic Tetra Brik® from Tetra Pa...Table 6.5 Heat‐sealed goods and modified atmosphere (MA) systems.
5 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Food packaging restrictions and key criteria.Table 7.2 Common packaging starting materials.Table 7.3 Webbing materials.Table 7.4 Pharmaceutical packaging restrictions and key criteria.Table 7.5 Medical device packaging restrictions and key criteria.
6 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Suppliers and manufacturers of packaging.Table 8.2 Recycling and after‐use.Table 8.3 Chemical watermarks and event markers.Table 8.4 Accelerated testing and shelf life prediction.Table 8.5 Packaging regulations and guidelines, examples of guidelines, and aspe...