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2.10 Procedure for the Award of the European Certificate of Counsellor Accreditation (ECCac)
ОглавлениеThe Accreditation procedures will be monitored and developed by the Professional Training Standards and Accreditation Committee, PTSAC.
Relationship between the EAC Organisation and the Professional Training Standards and Accreditation Committee (PTSAC)
• The PTSAC will examine whether the training standards, accreditation and reaccreditation procedures of the Organisation meet EAC criteria.
• The PTSAC recognises that some Organisations have well-established procedures whilst others are in the early stages of development. Well-established Organisations that have comparable standards of training and accreditation should follow the methods below.
• The EAC Executive recognises that some Organisations are in the early stages of development.
• In these cases, the PTSAC will provide consultation to help Organisations meet the EAC standards of counsellor accreditation. Pro-forma has been designed to guide Organisations in the task.
EAC Accrediting Organisations Route to Accreditation with EAC
• Each EAC Accrediting Organisation will provide the PTSAC with copies of their standards and procedures for counsellor accreditation, codes of ethics, complaints procedures and the Pro-forma for application to the EAC Accrediting Organisations for accreditation with EAC.
• The criteria and procedures are in place and agreed upon by EAC for accreditation through the EAC and cannot be changed. The EAC Accrediting Organisation will be able to recommend candidates for the award of the European Certificate of Counsellor Accreditation.
Individual Accreditation Procedures
• Candidates apply to the EAC for the application form.
• The EAC sends the application form to the candidate to complete.
• The candidate sends the completed application form to the EAC.
• The PTSAC, in collaboration with the EAC Executive, will develop a system that will ascertain that the form’s information is accurate and correct.
• A letter of confirmation will be sent to the candidate by the EAC Executive. An accreditation fee will also be required
• On receipt of the fee, the application is passed to the EAC Registration Board.
• When the Registration Board of EAC registers the candidate as an Accredited European Counsellor, the certificate is sent to the candidate.
• The EAC contacts unsuccessful candidates by a letter outlining the reasons for non-accreditation.
• All decisions of the Registration Board are final.