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At first, my love affair with Japan seemed just as easy, a feast laid out for my pleasure, not the keg beer and pizza of Caroline’s parties, but icy chuhai cocktails and okonomiyaki, a savory pancake of cabbage, egg and smoky fish sauce ‘fried as you like it.’

I was twenty-two, fresh out of college, and hungry for new flavors of every kind. Each day of my first year in Kyoto brought some wonderful new discovery—a mysterious fox shrine tucked away in a winding alley, the beguiling sweetness of bean jam wrapped in soft rice pastry, a lovely boy bowing nervously as I ushered him into my apartment. Even in the recollection there is magic. The whole year seems to fold in on itself like a dancer’s fan, leaving one perfect day in high summer.

I awoke that August morning with a naked young man snuggled against me, his hard-on pressing into the cleft of my ass. This was not an uncommon event, but I was relieved that this time I remembered his name. My bed partners were almost always college students, the only Japanese males with the leisure for impromptu flings with the English conversation teacher, so exchanging business cards was not usually part of our courtship ritual. A quick cup of Nescafé Gold Blend would usually shake loose a surname from my sleep-fogged brain, although I still found it strange to call a man ‘Mr. Aoki’ or ‘Mr. Nakamura’ after we’d spent the night doing it in every which position on my futon.

But Hiroyuki had been staying over regularly for a few weeks now, so I even knew his first name, too.

‘Hiro-kun. Wake up,’ I said in Japanese. ‘Tuesday’s my busy day, you know.’

He mumbled something and slipped his arms around me, warm hands cupping my breasts.

‘I have to get the train at nine.’

He made one of those little Japanese sounds I loved, a musical grunt, rising into an unspoken question.

I rolled over to face him and gave his cock a gentle squeeze. ‘Yes, we have time, but it’ll have to be fast.’ Hiroyuki smiled sleepily and eased my cotton kimono over my shoulders to take my nipple between his soft lips. I stroked his thick black hair and sighed. I was still amazed at how beautiful these boys were with their velvet eyes and luminous skin that would put moon-bathing Marybeth to shame. In Japan I’d become menkui—a ‘face eater’—which meant I liked them handsome, and plenty of the handsome ones liked me, too.

Hiroyuki was special though. We seemed to have a relationship blessed by the Japanese gods, which I attributed to my habit of stopping by Kyoto’s many shrines to offer the kamisama a ten-yen coin in return for a cute lover. I was sitting in a coffee shop on Kawaramachi Street, devouring a book I’d just found in the English corner at Maruzen book store—Look Ma, No Hands: A Woman’s 8-Step Program to Satisfying Sex Every Time—when Hiroyuki sat down at the next table and ordered an American coffee. We started talking. He wanted English lessons. I wanted a warm body on which to practice the exercises the book recommended. Both of us got what we wanted and more.

I couldn’t have ordered a better partner than this nineteen-year-old virgin who was eager, trainable and completely without preconceptions in bed. He wasn’t like my boyfriend at Princeton at all. He didn’t expect me to pretend to come in the missionary position, he had no ego issues with me playing with my own clit or doing it for me while we fucked, and he was genuinely curious to know what felt good for me. What felt best of all was his pure and heart-felt gratitude. After our first time, Hiroyuki wrapped his arms around me and whispered, ‘Ree-dee-ah, I want to do everything for you.’

For the last few weeks, he’d been doing exactly that.

Now his fingers crept down between my legs and began the patient, teasing come-hither strokes over my clit that drove me wild—when we had time to linger. Unfortunately, we didn’t. The clock said seven-forty and I knew I had to be in the shower by eight. I wasn’t about to settle for a morning-boner charity quickie like I used to do in college. Thanks to the thoughtfulness of the book buyer at Maruzen, I was converted to the No Hands philosophy of female pleasure every time.

Girl-on-top was the quickest route to satisfaction, the book promised, so I swung a knee over Hiroyuki and settled down for the ride. My robe was still tied at the waist, but with my breasts and shoulders bare and the lower portion gaping open wantonly, I felt like one of those floating world prints of a courtesan impaled on her samurai lover’s over-sized member. Hiroyuki was definitely enjoying the view.

I started by squeezing his long, thin cock with my secret muscles, bringing on a nice glow. No Hands women were active, they squeezed and wriggled and moved at their own pace. But I was still working on step seven which was decreasing my dependence on direct clitoral stimulation. Could I jump on to step eight—‘Any Time, Any Position: Now You’re Really Fucking Like a Man’—and graduate early?

In this land of so many unexpected successes, why not give it a try? I leaned forward so my pussy lips were pressed just so against Hiroyuki’s firm belly and began rocking my hips to get the right friction on my clit. Hiroyuki was helping nicely by twisting one stiffened nipple between his fingers and flicking the other with the tip of his tongue. But the clock was ticking, and the book suggested fantasy as a way to turn up the heat to a quick boil. It was time to call in the reserves.

I closed my eyes and silently called to him. My old friend, the mysterious stranger who liked to pop in now and then to watch me masturbate, had followed me across the Pacific. Over the years he’d lost his domineering tone though. Sometimes I told him what to do, like this morning, when I pulled him, rubbing his eyes and dragging his feet, from the closet where I kept my futon the few times I managed to put it away properly.

He yawned. ‘It is rather early, Lydia, my dear. I haven’t even had my tea. Why don’t you just let that fine young man ejaculate in your pussy and get on with your duties?’

‘Because I don’t want to be horny all day. Come on, help me out. You always know just the right thing to say, you dirty old man.’

‘Please, you flatter me. Although I am aware that you respond well to a challenge. Today’s is quite simple. The clock says you have five minutes to come on that boy’s cock. Or as the Japanese prefer to say, ‘go,’ which is an interesting shift in perspective, don’t you agree? At any rate, if you don’t come, or go, as the case may be, you’ll have to suffer through a long, hot day as a very unsatisfied young lady. Oh my, now you only have four minutes.’

I let out a moan of desperation and worked my ass harder. Hiroyuki began to bite my nipple gently. A jolt of pleasure bordering on pain shot straight to my groin.

‘The second hand’s racing forward on that clock, Lydia. The Japanese say a busy life is best, but your schedule is so packed today you won’t even have time to slip into a restroom later to finish yourself off. But you’ll still be turned on. Every man you pass on the street will see your nipples poking through your blouse, that I-want-it-bad wiggle in your hips. But you’ll just have to endure—gaman, gaman, as the Japanese do—until you can get home and ease that throbbing hunger in your cunt.’

‘Faster, yes, faster.’

I must have said those particular words aloud, because Hiroyuki dutifully quickened his thrusts.

‘One minute left now, my dear. What will it be? A nice orgasm to start your morning or a whole day of aching frustration?’

His taunting words made my skin tingle and burn. I’d show him what I could do, the bastard. I jerked my hips, slamming down hard until I felt my orgasm rising, cutting through my belly, bursting up into my throat as a low, quivering groan.

Hiroyuki followed soon after, his moans an echo of my own pleasure.

‘Congratulations, Lydia dear, I’m off to breakfast now,’ the voice said with his usual insouciance, but I could tell deep down he was proud of me.

My other lover, the one in bed with me who had a body, pulled me down and hugged me to him, a gesture that needed no translation.

I lay in his arms for a moment, reveling in the applause as they handed me my diploma. ‘Lydia Evans earns her first completely No Hands orgasm with Hiroyuki Kawakami, Kyoto, Japan.’

It was indeed a great way to start the day. And from there it would only get better.

Amorous Woman

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