Читать книгу Amorous Woman - Donna George Storey - Страница 8



Just then Brad returned holding a tray, jauntily, like a waiter with a better job on his mind. He transferred the platter of nachos to the middle of the table and placed another pint glass beside me.

‘What did I miss?’

‘Sensei was just telling me more about living in Japan. It sounds amazing,’ Tim said.

‘Too bad. I could definitely use a sales job on the place myself.’

I felt my cheeks grow warm. So maybe I did go heavy on the haiku and cherry blossoms, but it wasn’t exactly a sales job.

The men started in on the nachos. I sipped my second beer as I watched their capable hands plucking up the chips, which sagged under a mountain of melted cheese and guacamole. It wasn’t the direction my appetite was taking tonight.

It would take no more than a flick of the wrist to slip Tim my business card as we said our goodbyes. Perhaps I could excuse myself to the ladies’ room and write a little note on the back: ‘I’d love to talk more about Japan. Give me a call’? Or would American forthrightness be more effective: ‘Interested in a no-strings sport fuck while you’re still officially single? How about tonight’?

As if on cue, Tim’s trousers erupted in a trill of sound. I jumped guiltily. He looked embarrassed, too, as he pulled out his beeper and checked the caller ID.

‘Excuse me, I have to make a call,’ he said, rising from his seat.

‘Could you pick up a couple of these on your way back?’ Brad held up his glass. ‘Sensei’s thirsty tonight.’

Tim nodded and headed over to the public phone near the entrance.

‘Oh, and say “hi” to Jenny for me,’ Brad called after him, but softly, so that only I could hear.

Amorous Woman

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