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If three people say you’re a horse, buy a saddle. In other words, whether or not you believe a perception about you is true, if enough people share it, you’d better take it seriously.

Personal focus groups with friends and colleagues can reveal telling insights about you. Think seriously about organizing a gathering or at least approaching trusted colleagues individually to get their perspective.

Make it safe for others to give feedback that’s real. If you can tell they’re sugarcoating, beg them for the truth and ask paired questions that let them talk about a strength and a weakness.

Google yourself, and don’t stop on the first page of search engine results. Check to make sure there are no smoking guns or false information about you online. (If there are, contact the site administrator and nicely ask for it to be removed. If he stonewalls, you may eventually need to involve a lawyer.)

Don’t give too much credence to outlying opinions; instead, watch for patterns.

Reinventing You

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