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"And he said to them, "Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." Luke 12:15

“There is one quality one must possess to win, and that is the definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants and the burning desire to achieve it.” Napoleon Hill

When you wake up every day, you are always walking around and doing all sorts of things. As you walk around, you walk into the future as you leave the present into the past. You get tired, you rest and sleep ready to continue your walk to the future when you wake up again. Therefore, living your life is a journey to the future, and you are the vehicle that carries yourself on the journey to your future.

Your life (who you are as a human being) is a development project. Just like every other development project, your life should have an end picture (blueprint) which you are aiming for. Because life is a journey to the future, it means there should be a destination (destiny) you are locked on. To get to that destination, your life should be developed into a proper vehicle (the end picture or tool) that is fit to carry out the needed assignments and go through the challenges along the way.

Having that in mind, that vehicle should be made with the right materials, with the right characteristics, and having the right shape to be on the road to your destination. In other words, you need to develop into a person (the vehicle or tool), with the right features, that is fit to take you to your destiny.

For you to decide the kind of vehicle (person) needed to take you to your destination you first should know what that destination is. The destination determines the means, the design and characteristics of the materials to be used in building that vehicle according to the challenges anticipated along the journey to your destiny.

I’ve come to realize that most people’s lives lack direction primarily due to ignorance of their destination. People don't know what they should be chasing, or what they should be building on, therefore they don’t know or recognize the resources they need to build their lives with and how to use them. Most people are not intentional about their lives in the way they make their decisions because they don’t have a right basis when it comes to decision making.

Life was or is meant to be simple and straight forward only we understand what it should be about. Do you agree with that? There is a way how life is ideally meant to be lived. There are essential pillars that make up a healthy and fulfilled life which everyone must observe and follow.

There is a way how life is meant to be built from the ground up. A lot of times we live unfulfilled empty lives. We define our lives by the things that can be lost or taken away from us. Once removed our foundations become shaky. We needed to focus on things that establish us and help us handle the external forces that come from pursuing secondary things. The hidden secret which most people don’t realize is that once you get to understand and master the primary things first, it becomes easier to gain secondary things.

You are not the things you possess, accumulate or do outside of your body. You are everything intangible that is within you – purpose, knowledge, character, and spirituality and belief system. Life boils down to who you are and what you carry within you wherever you go.

Life is a personal journey which is completely tailored to you. There is no reason for you to compare yourself to anyone else because you are building different things. As much as you may compete with others for resources and opportunities, you can never and should never compare your structure to anyone. You don’t do what others are doing that you shouldn’t be doing just to get applauded.

What is right for them usually is not right for you since you have different purposes. The vision and the goals you have in life should be tailored to your purpose.

Your life needs a purpose, a vision, goal setting, resources to build that vision into reality and make it effective, network with other purposes and visions around you to have a greater impact on the world.

If indeed your life as a human being is a project what’s your blueprint? Now that you know that life is a journey to the future, and you are serious to get to your destination, can you afford to continue without a LIFE COMPASS? Have you gotten yours already? Have you figured it out?

Let’s be together as I will be unfolding where I believe people could be missing it in life, why people have a midlife crisis and why they regret on their deathbed. I believe they regret because of misplaced priorities, and all because they lack a LIFE COMPASS.

This book will help you realize where, why and how you should spend your time, mind, energy and resources as you pursue a happy, successful, productive, fulfilling and meaningful life that you will never regret to have lived.

Life Compass

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