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Chapter Two

“The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but life without a purpose.” Dr Myles Munroe

In the “Purpose Driven Life” book by Rick Warren, he posed a question that says, “What on Earth am I here for?” This might sound very basic but really what are you here on earth for? Most of the time, we think we have it all figured out but when we lie back on our beds, close our eyes and search deep within ourselves, we realize that perhaps we have not figured it out yet. But once you truly find your core purpose on this earth then I believe you have taken the first step to your fulfilment and executing your life orderly as one machine to the future with a guarantee of no regrets.

Even though a car may have different parts, and each one serving its purpose, when you put them and their purposes together you have a much bigger machine – the car. If you look around, you will realize that there is something common about life, from the smallest organism to the biggest of galaxies; everything is interlinked with each one performing a certain purpose (and in the end all serving a greater purpose).

Look at the world: animals need oxygen and food from plants, and we breathe out carbon dioxide and animal wastes are used by the plants for food. Bees feed on pollen to make honey that humans and other animals feed on, yet they help with pollination of flowers in the process which produces seeds in plants.

Your body is a system of systems. Each system has its purpose or function which it serves to other systems and self in the body and affects the function of other systems within the same body. Together they form you and all your function and abilities as a human being that affects your surroundings. Take note that these systems, in your body, are also made up of organs that also have their unique purpose or function to their respective systems.

We have the respiratory system (breathing; oxygen uptake into the body and carbon dioxide release – Nose, trachea (windpipe) and lungs), cardiovascular system (Food, oxygen, immunity supply, chemical waste transportation from to the whole body - heart, blood and blood vessels), Gastrointestinal system (Nutrition - month, oesophagus, stomach and intestines), neurology (Command and action centre; Sensation and reaction - Brain, spinal cord and nerves), Genito-urinary system (Controls water, salts and chemical levels in the body - Kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra) among others.

All these depend on each other for function and effectiveness. No system can function long enough without oxygen, food, proper levels of water, salts and chemicals, and without proper control to do so. Though they are unique in their functions, they are affected by the function of the other.

The heart pumps blood that carries oxygen and food to the bones and muscles and in turn, the muscles and bones support and protect the heart and other delicate organs and carry the whole body to places. The brain tells the body what to do and how to do it and the rest of the body follows the orders. It’s not the brain that executes, all it does is to receive data from the rest of the organs, process it and send back commands for the rest of the systems in the body to act upon.

Let me take you to another angle, look at organizations, businesses and governments. These are all systems made up of departments or sections and each one serves its purpose and they operate as one machine when their effects are brought together. Usually, you find individuals within departments serving their specific purposes or roles. If one individual is not doing their job right, then the department is usually affected.

A dysfunctional marketing, production or sales department sinks the whole business machine. Each of those business departments even though performing a different task yet have a greater effect on the overall performance of the other and the whole institution.

From all these examples, you will realize that at every level there is a system made up of different parts and systems whose purpose or function aids in the function of the other. Together all of them they have even a greater purpose or function. This is how life is or should be at every level including you as an individual or us as a society. Everything that exists has a purpose to meet by design and I believe behind the creation there is an awesome Designer who thought it wise to put interconnected systems that aid each other for sustenance and greater effect upon our societies, nations, continents and whole earth.

If your life is dysfunctional in some areas, I wouldn’t call that successful life. As much as other people or you may call it as such, but it is a limited or incomplete success because it is in just one or two departments of your life. Such limited success in a few areas of your life limits your overall effect on earth. You can call it a successful job, career, business, marriage or ministry yes but not successful life. There are systems in your organization (life) that are not firing and until you get them fixed, you, as a machine or organization, are dysfunctional. Those systems will either sink you or hold you back from taking off to make a real impact. People will usually judge you by the areas that are not firing.

From the interconnection and dependency shown above, you should also realize that for a functional world we need not only our unique purpose or function in the society but also support each other. Our functions are not just for us but more so for those around us, for their optimal functioning and maximizing their results.

We should stop trying to be like other people or try to live their lives because they need us to be who we should be for a functional society or nation. We also shouldn’t stand in others’ way because their success somewhat affects ours, whether we recognize it or not. We shouldn’t be blinded by jealousy; their success doesn’t mean our failure rather an environment optimized for our function.

Life Compass

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