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Sustaining a Creative Wisdom Lifestyle

Creativity combines industry and imagination. When we are creative, we reach beyond what we or others have done before. We seek unfamiliar ideas, and we test some of them in the real world. We explore and take risks, knowing that not all new ideas will be valuable, but that some turn out to be priceless. Often the best path to creativity is to play with possibilities, setting aside critical analysis till afterwards. Even so, the most fruitful creativity processes are informed by knowledge and skill. Informed creativity allows us to solve problems or follow dreams. It allows us to grow, as individuals and as a species, to shape a future that is different than the past.

The art of intuitive and intent listening is a critical compenent in sustaining a creative wsidom lifestyle. Gathering accurate information is essential to the early and preparatory stategs of creativity and of sustaining a creative nevironment internally and externally.

A wise old owl lived in an oak,

The more he saw the less he spoke

The less he spoke the more he heard.

Why can't we all be like that wise old bird? – unknown author

In the first few years of life, we're all taught to speak. In fact, it's an important developmental milestone, a sign that a child is developing normally. However, listening is an equally, if not more important skill that is often overlooked by parents, educators, and bosses.

Yes, we were all taught (hopefully) to listen to our parents and to listen in school. However, few of us were taught good listening—the active, disciplined kind of listening that helps us examine and challenge the information we hear in order to improve its quality and quantity, and thereby improve our decision-making.

Why is this important? According to Bernard Ferrari, author of Power Listening: Mastering the Most Critical Business Skill of All, good listening is the key to developing fresh insights and ideas that fuel success. Ferrari says that although most people focus on learning how to communicate and how to present their own views more effectively, this approach is misguided and represents missed opportunities.

Expereincing a creative wisdom lifestlye requires that you take responsibility for allowing a flow in your life that is conducive to creative expressions. One of the known ways of doing so is the art of listening. The following chapters outline a year long approach to active listening and thinking about wisdom and creativity through dialy declarations and affirmations on creativity and wisdom. It is the meat of this book. The accompanying audio book version of creative wisdom provides a valuable tool for everyday use in listening to and affirmining thoughts of creativity and wisdom for those desirous of manifesting and expressin a creative wsidom lifestlye. The audiobook version is priceless. It offers a 365 daily wisdom and creativeity delcarations and affirmations to put the reader into a mind mode of thinking creative thoughts on a dialy basis. It is a srtarting point to making creative wisdom not only a ome time read, expereince or encounter, but a valid sustianble lifestyle with corresponding action and responsibility. My hope is that the remaining pages of this book will bring the vlaue proposition needed as you take responsibility in suataining a creative wisdom lifestyle.

Creative Wisdom

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