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Creative Wisdom in Every Day Life


Creative wisdom exists when key elements such as; novelty, appropriateness, utility, wisdom and value come together. Two hallmarks of a healthy life are the abilities to love and to work. Each requires imagination. In expressing a creative wisdom lifestyle on a daily and consistent basis there are at least three distinguishing factors that will help you in manifesting. The first is the expertise or skills in a specific area. These skills represent your mastery of a field. To possess these skills means that you for instance know how to write musical notation, how to do scientific experiments or to skillfully use a computer graphics. The list goes on. Talent is a natural propensity to be able to produce great work in a particular domain. Most people have a flair for something but without training in the skills of a domain, even the most promising talent will languish. The second key element is the creative thinking skills. These are ways of approaching the world that allow you to find a novel possibility and see it through to full execution. These skills include being able to imagine a diverse range of possibilities, being persistent in tackling a problem and having high standards for work. The final factor is passion. The urge to do something for the sheer pleasure of doing it rather than for nay prize or compensation. Creative wisdom begins to express itself when individual are motivated by pure love and the enjoyment of what they are doing. A Nobel Prize –winning physicists Amabile recalls that he was asked what he thought made the difference between creative and uncreative scientist. He said it was whether or not their work was a labor of love.

The most successful ground breaking scientist ate not always the most gifted but the ones who are moved by a driving curiosity. To some degree a strong passion can make up for lack of raw talent. Passion is like “fire underneath the soup pot”, Amabile says. “It really heats everything up, blends the flavor and make those spices mix with the basic ingredients to produce something that tastes wonderful.”

Another major component of the manifestation of creativity wisdom in everyday life is in your way of seeing. When biologist Alexander Fleming came back from a vacation and found the bacteria in one of his dishes had died, he didn’t simply regard it as a trivial experimental failure as most biologists would have done. Instead he recognized it as something significant had happened even though it was not at all what he has been looking for. From his investigation of that “accident” came the discovery of penicillin.

This discovery illustrates what Robert Sternberg calls selective coding. The ability to sift important information from irrelevancies. Most of the information people get about a problem is of little or no use, while some is absolutely crucial. Detecting the relevant signal amidst the irrelevant noise is key to operating in creative wisdom on a day to day basis.

Another pathway to creative wisdom on a day today basis is what is called selective combination; that is seeing a way to combine the relevant information once you have detected it. You may be able to pick out all the right pieces. But being able to put them together is another necessary step. The ability to draw comparisons and analogies is also key in manifesting creative wisdom. Many creative breakthroughs are the results of juxtaposing elements or ideas that ordinarily do no go together or detecting a hidden pattern of connection among things. Analogies and comparisons help out things together in a new context or help you see them in a completely fresh way.

You have to turn things upside down, view the world differently. Says Peter Lissaman one of the thinkers at Aero Vironments, an innovative engineering firm that is notable for a long list of inventions. “ it is as though you have a beautiful Persian rug and you see a crimson rose in one corner and a deep red sunset in the other corner. But it is only when you turn the rug over that you notice that what you thought was the crimson and what you though was deep red are connected diagonally by the same thread and are really the same color. They just looked different because they were surrounded by different colors. In seeking a creative solution, using creative wisdom, it helps to turn a problem over and look at it from the other side. This is exactly when we saw happening in the opening story of this book. Then maybe you’ll discover the connections that have been hidden.

Creative Wisdom

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