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Wisdom and Creativity an Inseparable Match: Two Are Better than One

By Dr. Jasmine Renner

“Through desire a man, having separated him, seeks and intermeddles with all wisdom.”

Prov18. 1 Webster’s Bible Translation.

Have you ever said something that was so profoundly insightful that you knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that a deeper wisdom than yours was speaking? In fact, there are times when someone else does the same thing and deep inside you are certain that the fountain of that wisdom did not originate in the person speaking. Have you ever done something that was so profoundly unique that you knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that a deeper creativity than yours was manifesting itself through you?

In the past some have tended to emphasize creativity at the expense of wisdom or vice versa. I propose that these two invaluable gifts are to a large extent indistinguishable and inseparable, and although there are important differences between them they remain a strong, undefeatable powerful force when put together. Present conceptualization of wisdom and creativity as a separate entity tends to a narrow them to merely a descriptive phenomenon. There is a need to give focused attention to the interrelationship between the two phenomenon.

What do we mean when we say that “Socrates or Solomon was wise” and that “Einstein” was intelligent” or that “ Steve Forbes was creative”? or to take some more mundane examples, what does it mean to say that “Mary may be intelligent but she just isn’t creative” or if only the Director’s wisdom matched his intelligence, we might have had a new building or my grandmother, a self –educated woman might not have done well on intelligence tests, but she had more wisdom than all the Yale professors combined?

In each of these statements some assertion is made about a person’s wisdom or creative abilities. Although we know that Steve Jobs, Socrates, Solomon, and Einstein are all renowned for their extraordinary mental feats, the nature of these feats differ in every case and so do the abilities that give rise to them. But what is wisdom and creativity and how do they differ? Furthermore does wisdom and creativity differ in a way that makes it impossible to merge them together? My simple response is no. In fact from my view point they are inseparable when it comes to bottom line results. The two working together is better than them either one of them exclusive.

In recent years the market value of Silver and Gold has increased significantly. Investors find comfort in the stability of these precious metals in the midst of uncertain or volatile global conditions. Silver and Gold are often used as a safety net strategy in a financial portfolio. They provide an added sense of security and protection to help offset the risk of potential loss in other investments.

So, is there any better investment than Silver and Gold to help protect you in challenging times? According to King Solomon, there is:

Joyful is the person who finds wisdom, the one who gains understanding. For wisdom is more profitable than silver, and her wages are better than gold. Wisdom is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. (Proverbs 3:13-15 NLT)

There is nothing more valuable and secure than skillful and godly wisdom and creativity. Let me challenge you today to be intentional about investing in wisdom and creative materials. Consistently read the creator’s manual, prayerfully reflect on His truth, and humbly seek godly wisdom from others you respect. A daily "cost averaging" investment approach to gaining wisdom is guaranteed to pay eternal dividends that will never lose their value. It doesn't get any better than that!

Creative Wisdom

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