Читать книгу Sex For Dummies - Pierre Lehu A., Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer - Страница 11

What Is Sex, Anyway?


Is sex just the way we differentiate ourselves, male and female? Or is it the means by which we reproduce? Is it a yearning that makes us go a bit crazy until we can satisfy those urges? Or could it be the key to exchanging extreme pleasure? Maybe it’s a way of cementing a relationship. What makes sex so amazing is that it’s all of those, and more.

We have special organs that are made to have sex; they fit together and have many nerve endings so as to make sex pleasurable. But sex is really a whole body experience, from your brain right down to your toes. And becoming a good sex partner means that you have to understand how to fit all those parts together. I explain the basics of the male parts in Chapter 2 and the female parts in Chapter 3. If you want to know how they fit together, turn to Chapter 10.

Every generation believes that it’s the first one to have discovered the pleasures of sex, and yet none of us would be here if it weren’t for the sex lives of the previous generation. Even if it’s too much to imagine your parents and grandparents having sex, just give ’em a tip of the old hat.

You can have sex many different ways, and yet the outcome of sex, the satisfaction that comes from a sexual encounter, is the goal of each of them. (Of course, if your only aim is to make a baby, then the pleasurable aspects become secondary.) Part of the mystery of sex is why so many paths lead to this one end. Chapters 11, 12, 15, and 16 cover different ways you can achieve orgasms.

It’s also true that some of us are attracted to the same sex, which means that making a baby isn’t possible from engaging in sexual activity. That doesn’t mean that the urge for a gay couple to have a baby isn’t there, and luckily there are other means such as adoption or artificial insemination. Since most of my readers are heterosexual, much of what I have to say in this book is addressed to them, but I can’t help but add that while science hasn’t yet been able to answer many questions about different sexual orientations, each and every one of us deserves the same respect no matter our sexual preference.

Sex For Dummies

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