Читать книгу Sex For Dummies - Pierre Lehu A., Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer - Страница 53

Checking the prostate


As a man ages, his prostate gland commonly becomes enlarged and causes him to urinate more frequently. This problem, called benign prostatic hypertrophy, is bothersome but not dangerous. However, the prostate also has a nasty habit of becoming cancerous, which can be quite dangerous, though it is easily treated if discovered in time.

A doctor checks the prostate for changes that can signify a cancerous growth simply by palpating, or touching, it. In order for his doctor to get to the prostate, a man has to bend over and allow the doctor to stick his or her finger in the man’s rectum. This way, the doctor can actually feel the prostate gland.

Although I don’t necessarily blame any man for not wanting to rush off to the doctor to be examined in this manner, a prostate examination is no worse than the gynecological visits we women have to go through regularly, so I won’t accept any excuses for not doing it. Now, if you’re really concerned, you can speak to your doctor about a blood test that may reduce the odds of your having to undergo the actual physical exam. If a certain hormone, called PSA, is elevated, then that’s a bad sign. But because regular prostate exams can save your life, I absolutely recommend that you not put them off, especially if you’ve reached that 50-year milestone.

Sex For Dummies

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