Читать книгу The Witnesses to the Historicity of Jesus - Drews Arthur - Страница 2

Table of Contents


The Non-Christian Witnesses

1.— Philo and Justus of Tiberias .

2.— Josephus .

3.— The Talmud .

The Roman Witnesses

1.— Pliny and Suetonius

2.— Tacitus .

3.—“ Lucus a non Lucendo .”

The Witness of Paul

1.— The Proofs of the Historicity of Jesus in Paul .

2.— Paul no Witness to the Historicity of Jesus .

3.— The Question of Genuineness .

The Witness of the Gospels

1. The Sources of the Gospels .

2. The Witness of Tradition .

3.— The Methods of Historical Criticism .

4.— The “Uniqueness” and “Uninventibility” of the Gospel Portrait of Jesus .

5.— Schmiedel's “Main Pillars” .

6.— The Methods of “The Christ Myth” .

7.— The Mythic-Symbolic Interpretation of the Gospels .

8. Historians and the Gospels .

9. The Words of the Lord .

10. The Parables of Jesus .

11. General Result .

12. The “ Strong Personality ”.

13.— The Historical Jesus and the Ideal Christ .

14.— Idea and Personality: Settlement of the Religious Crisis .


The Witnesses to the Historicity of Jesus

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