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Ueber die Frage ob Jesus gelebt hat, p. 11.

Moreover, it is by no means established that the Jesus whom James of Kefar followed was the Jesus of the gospels. Neubauer, in his text of the Talmud, read, instead of Jesus ha-Nozri (the Nazarene), Jesus Pandira, who was supposed to be a contemporary of the Rabbi Akiba (p. 135). Cf. K[arpel] Lippe, Das Evangelium Matthaei vor dem Forum der Bibel und des Talmud, 1889, p. 26. Google Books

Blicke in die Religionsgeschichte, II, 1883, especially p. 73, etc. Google Books (Vol. 1)

Die Entstehung des Christenthums aus der antiken Kultur, 1910.

Babyl. Talmud Sabbath, p. 116, etc.

6 ↑ Numbers xxvii, 8.

Luke xii, 14.

Compare [Friedrich] Steudel, Im Kampf um die Christusmythe, 1910, p. 83, etc.

There is a complete collection of the relevant passages in H. Laible, Jesus Christus im Talmud, 1891, 2nd ed. 1900. Google Books

10  Loc. cit., p. 54.

11  Joel, loc. cit., p. 54, etc.

12  viii, 3. Compare also K. Lippe, Das Evangelium des Matthäus.

The Witnesses to the Historicity of Jesus

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