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Of the various systems of heating dwellings that by hot-water is considered by many to be the most satisfactory. On account of its high specific heat, water at a temperature much below the boiling point furnishes the heat necessary to keep the temperature of the house at the desired degree. The temperature of the radiators is generally much lower than those heated by steam but the amount of radiating surface is greater than for steam heating plants of the same capacity. It is because of the relatively low temperature at which the water is used, that the greater amount of heating surface is required.

One objection to the use of hot water as a means of heating is, that once the heat of the house is much reduced, the furnace is a long time in raising the temperature to normal. This is due to the fact that the temperature of the water of the entire system must be uniformly raised, because of its continuous passage through the heater. On the other hand, this uniformity of the temperature of the water prevents sudden changes in the temperature of the house. Water-heating plants work with perfect quiet and may be so regulated to suit the outside temperature that the heat of the water will just supply the amount to suit the prevailing conditions.

The care required in the management of the boiler is less than that required in the steam plant because of the fewer appliances necessary for its safe operation. Another advantage in the use of the hot-water plant is its adaptability to the temperature conditions during the chilly weather of early fall and late spring, when a very small amount of heat is required. At such times the temperature of the radiators is but a few degrees warmer than the outside air. The amount of attention necessary for maintaining the proper furnace fire under such conditions is less then for any other form of heating. The increasing use of the hot-water plant for heating the average-sized dwelling attests to its excellence in service.

Mechanics of the Household

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