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The method used for regulating the temperature of a house will depend on its size, the conditions under which it is to be used and the method of heating. In small houses the temperature may be satisfactorily governed entirely by hand, that is, the furnace drafts may be changed by hand to suit the varying conditions of temperature. A more satisfactory method is that of thermostatic regulation, in which a thermostatic governor and a motor automatically control the furnace dampers so as to keep a constant temperature at one point, generally the living room. Where hot-water or steam heating plants are used, another device is frequently employed to keep the temperature of the heat supply at a constant degree. This is known as the automatic damper regulator. The damper regulator is one of the boiler accessories which so governs the drafts of the furnace as to keep a constant water temperature in the hot-water heater or a constant steam pressure in the steam boiler.

In some cases both the damper regulator and the thermostat are used as a more complete means of temperature control.

Mechanics of the Household

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