Читать книгу Mechanics of the Household - E. S. Keene - Страница 62

Other Rules for Water Boilers


To Fill System.—Open the feed-cock when the heater is connected with a city or town water supply; if not, fill by funnel at the expansion tank. Fill until the gage-glass on the expansion tank shows about half full of water. In filling the system see that all air cocks on the radiators are closed. Then beginning with the lower floor, open the air cocks on each radiator, one at a time, until each radiator is filled; then close the air cock and take the next radiators on upper floors until all are filled, after which let the water run until it shows in the gage-glass of the water tank. After the water is heated and in circulation, vent the radiators by opening the air valves as before. Then again allow the water to run into the system until it rises to the proper level in the expansion tank gage-glass.

Always keep the apparatus full of water unless the building be vacated during the winter months, when the water should be drawn off to prevent freezing. Never draw water off with fire in the heater.

To draw off water, open the draw-off cock at the lowest point in the system, and then open air cocks on all radiators as fast as the water lowers beginning with the highest radiator.

Mechanics of the Household

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