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Acer Negundo variegatum, creamy white.

,, Negundo aureum, golden entirely.

,, platanoides Schwedleri, soft red in spring.

,, Pseudo-platanus flavo-marginatum, the "Corstorphine" Sycamore, one of the largest of variegated trees.

Alnus glutinosa aurea, wholly yellow.

Betula alba purpurea, wholly purple.

Castanea sativa aureo-marginata, the variegated Sweet Chestnut, perhaps the best of all large trees, with parti-coloured leaves. The leaves burn on some soils.

Catalpa bignonioides aurea, wholly golden, and most effective in summer and autumn.

Fagus sylvatica purpurea. Of the Purple Beeches there are now numerous forms, such as atropurpurea, cuprea, purpurea, pendula (weeping), and "Swat Magret" (the darkest of all). Pyramidalis purpurea is very beautiful.

,, sylvatica variegata, white.

,, sylvatica tricolor, various shades of red and purple; beautifully coloured, but not vigorous.

,, sylvatica var. Zlatia, entirely pale golden green in spring, but for a short time only.

,, sylvatica, Paul's gold-margined, is a pretty variegated tree.

Fraxinus americana aucubæfolia, richly mottled with yellow.

Ilex Aquifolium. The variegated Hollies, both silver and golden, are now very numerous; among the best are argentea marginata, argentea pendula (Perry's Silver Weeping), Golden Queen, Silver Queen, Handsworth Silver, Golden King, flavescens, latifolia aureo-marginata, Watereriana, aureo-medio picta, aureo-pendula.

Laburnum vulgare foliis aureis, all yellow.

Platanus acerifolia Süttneri, very pure white with scarcely any green on late growth.

Populus deltoidea (canadensis) aurea, yellow.

Prunus cerasifera atropurpurea (P. Pissardi), lovely claret red when young, becoming dull purple in summer.

Pyrus Malus neidwetzkyanus. In this Apple not only the leaves, but the wood and fruit are purplish red.

,, Aria chrysophylla, yellow.

Quercus Cerris variegata, the white variegated Turkey Oak.

,, pedunculata Concordia, a lovely clear yellow, and seldom burns.

,, pedunculata purpurea, wholly red purple.

,, rubra, crimson.

Robinia Pseudacacia aurea, yellow.

Ulmus campestris, "Louis Van Houtte," the best Golden Elm.

,, campestris viminalis variegata, a charming white-variegated, small-leaved Elm.

,, montana fastigiata aurea (U. Wredei aurea) should not be omitted. A beautiful Elm for small gardens.


Trees and Shrubs for English Gardens

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