Читать книгу Trees and Shrubs for English Gardens - E. T. Cook - Страница 46

Shrubs or Small Trees


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Acer palmatum atropurpureum, purple. There are many forms of this Japanese Maple—cut-leaved, purple, and golden—but this is the hardiest.

Aralia chinensis albo-variegata. This is one of the most promising new variegated shrubs. It is sold as Dimorphanthus mandschuricus var. variegatus.

Atriplex Halimus, silvery grey entirely.

Aucuba japonica, many forms, yellow or creamy white.

Berberis vulgaris foliis purpureis, one of the best purple shrubs.

Buxus sempervirens aurea, "Golden Box."

Corylus maxima atropurpurea, a dark-purple, very effective variety of the Cob-nut.

Cornus Mas aurea elegantissima, yellow (of slow growth and not very hardy).

,, Mas variegata, white.

,, siberica elegantissima.

,, Spaethii.

Elæagnus pungens aurea, one of the most beautiful variegated evergreens.

,, pungens variegata, white.

Euonymus japonicus albo-marginatus, very good for the south coast.

,, japonicus ovatus aureus, same as preceding, but yellow.

Ligustrum (Privet) ovalifolium foliis aureis, the best variegated shrub for hedges and for rough usage.

Neillia opulifolia lutea, yellow in spring only.

Philadelphus coronarius foliis aureis, yellow in the spring and early summer and very bright then, gradually gets green afterwards.

Ptelea trifoliata aurea, yellow.

Rhamnus Alaternus variegatus, white.

Rhus Cotinus atropurpureus, purple.

Symphoricarpus orbiculatus variegatus, yellow.

Sambucus nigra foliis aureis, yellow, retaining its colour well till autumn.

,, racemosa plumosa aurea, a beautiful cut-leaved Golden Elder.


Trees and Shrubs for English Gardens

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