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Table of Contents

Acer platanoides (Norway Maple).

,, Pseudo-platanus (Sycamore).

Alnus (Alder) of sorts. Will thrive only in damp places.

Ash, Mountain. (See next page.)

Betula alba (Birch) and varieties.

Carpinus Betulus (Hornbeam).

Cerasus see Prunus.

Cratægus (Thorn) of sorts.

Cupressus macrocarpa (Monterey Cypress). Of rapid growth.

Fagus sylvatica (Beech) and varieties.

Fraxinus excelsior (Common Ash). F. Ornus (Flowering Ash).

Ilex Aquifolium (Holly) and varieties.


Pinus austriaca (Austrian Pine). One of the best Firs for bleak seaside places.

,, contorta (Twisted Pine). A small tree.

,, insignis (Grass-green Pine). More tender than the others.

,, Laricio (Corsican Pine). Equal to the Austrian Pine for seaside.

,, muricata (Prickly-coned Pine). A dwarf tree.

,, Pinaster (Cluster Pine). Delights in the neighbourhood of the sea.

,, montana (Mountain Pine). A shrub or small tree.

Populus alba (Abele or White Poplar). All the Poplars grow quickly.

,, deltoidea (Canadian Poplar).

,, fastigiata (Lombardy Poplar).

,, nigra (Black Poplar).

Prunus Avium, cerasifera (Cherry Plum).

,, Mahaleb.

,, Padus (Bird Cherry).

,, Pissardi (Purple-leaved Plum).

Pyrus Aria (White Beam tree).

,, prunifolia (Siberian Crab).

,, Sorbus (Service tree).

Quercus Cerris (Turkey Oak). Good loam suits this best.

,, Ilex (Evergreen or Holm Oak).

Salix (Willow) of sorts. Prefer a moist soil.

Ulmus (Elm) of sorts, particularly Wych Elm and an Elm known as Wheatley Elm.


Trees and Shrubs for English Gardens

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