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Reading 2390-7


Thus the lesson to the entity: Do not let regret, jealousy, become a part of thy mental experience. These ye can control in thy mental self. Not always easy, but putting that purpose forth as indicated—the hope, the desire, the faith in the promise of Him—He may take away thy burdens . . . the Master, who is the way, mind and body, spirit and soul, may become one with that purpose of Creative Forces; that may not disintegrate with activity, but grow—as love—in demonstration; and feeds not upon the weaknesses or the miseries of others.

Keep that faith.

Ready for questions.

(Q) In what way do the regenerations of that period tie in with my present life, and how can I best use them constructively?

(A) As indicated. Trust not in those things that are of the material making, but in those that are ever creative; letting those activities of self-indulgence or self-gratification not ever become the rule, but rather purposefully building towards the consciousness of the Christ-presence.

(Q) In previous readings it has been given that I can recall certain experiences from past incarnations. In order that I may become more conscious of these experiences and they will help me to develop spiritually, please give instructions as to the method of meditation that will be best for me.

(A) As indicated in that given, when ye would meditate—or when ye would sleep, put all hate, all jealousy, all regret, from thy mind—by filling the mind with the consciousness of the Christ-power. For, as He hath given, each soul is in that consciousness it has builded—by what it has done about universal consciousness in its experiences.

Thus, as the entity knows itself, its weaknesses, its faults, put them away; trusting in Him. For His promises are to bring to the remembrance of all, that which will enable them to ever glorify God in their dealings with others.

Thus, as given, to him who hath much, much may be given. To him who hath much, of him much is required.

As others will, and do consciously and unconsciously look to thee—for a look, for a word, for an expression—so live as to ever be to others one that walks and talks oft with Him. This will enable the entity to fulfill that purpose for which it came into this experience.

[Background: Stockbroker, Protestant. He was seeking advice as to how to help his ward (631) and whether or not finances he was eventually anticipating from an inheritance could be used for the same purpose.]

Jesus As a Pattern

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