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Reading 2629-1


These we choose with the desire and purpose that this may be a helpful experience for the entity; not only to encourage the entity in the present experience but that it may better fulfill the purpose for which it entered this sojourn; that it, the entity, may better be a channel of blessings to others—which has been and is the entity’s intent and purpose.

For, as there is builded in the innate and manifested experience of each entity, these become at variance oft to that ordinarily comprehended. For, the awareness or consciousness in the material plane has been and is given an individual soul as an opportunity for growth; which has been indicated by Him who is the way, the truth, the light—that was shown in the experience of the entity in those closer relationships with that activity in this material plane.

Those consciousnesses or awarenesses between the manifestations materially, by law only—and that as has been manifested by an individual entity, are put into practice in that interim. Thus does the individual entity grow. Thus does it manifest. Thus the reason, the purpose for varied experiences in materiality as is known in the present consciousness.

He hath not willed that any soul should perish, but hath with every trial, every temptation, prepared a way, a means of escape—or for correction; which was and is manifested in Him . . .

For, as indicated, the ability for the application of love as related to tolerance is the greater virtue in the entity’s present experience.

Thus in thy dealings with others, magnify their virtues, minimize their faults. For, even as thy Lord condemned no one, even as He forgave, so would you forgive. Even as thou counseled with those in that period, acting as the teacher, the instructor, in the abilities for practical application of life and to meet same in others . . .

And know today there is no other than that found in the admonition given by Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus the Christ—“If ye believe in God, believe also in me.” Hence He is that to which the mind of the individual entity responds. He is the way, the Mind is the way. And as the mind dwells upon the fruit of the spirit—faith, hope, gentleness, kindness, patience—it may blossom into that which brings the hope of man, the confidence in his brethren, the faith in his God . . .

(Q) What has been my relationship in past incarnations with [2174]?

(A) Acquainted in the Palestine experience, as from afar. Here, the entity [2174] knew of and blessed the entity for its life and purpose. In the Egyptian, closely related. For, there were . . . the collaboration of the efforts in the teaching principles, as would be called in the present; that is, the selection, the counsel with individuals as to special service or activities, through that particular period of man’s unfoldment.

(Q) Please give that which will help to elucidate that relationship for our future working together?

(A) As the purposes have been, good. As the advice and counsel of each have been, good; though they differ in some manners of application. Let each study to be one in purpose, even as He is one; they each in their own sphere making their contribution in a united effort to the glory of Him who is the Giver of all good and perfect gifts. Not as an abstract experience, but as a living experience. For, know, the Father God is God of the living, not of the dead.

Let the dead past bury its dead. Let the living past bloom into that activity in which it may bear fruit in Him.

Let thy light so shine in each life ye meet, that they—as they do—take thought that thou hast oft walked and talked with Him, who has promised, “If ye love me, ye will keep my commandments, and I and the Father will come and abide with thee.”

These are not idle words in the experience of any soul that seeks His face. For He hath promised ever, “Though ye be afar, if ye call I will hear—and answer speedily. If ye will be my children, I will be your God.”

This is not of old, but a living thing in the hearts and souls of those today. For the fact of thy consciousness in a material world. Though troubled and a blood-stained world, thy prayer, thy blessing may bring a new hope, and may blossom into joy on earth, peace among men.

We are through for the present.

[Background: Retired laboratory researcher, widower. This was a mental and spiritual reading in which he sought to clarify those things in his life that were hard to understand from a rational point of view.]

Jesus As a Pattern

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