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Reading 2246-1


The records each entity makes are written or impressed upon time and space; and through patience one may attain to the awareness or consciousness of same in one’s own experience.

Thus may the relationships of the entity and the universal consciousness, or God, become more and more a conscious reality. Not that it may be even describable in words. For, words are merely a means of communicating ideas to one individual from another, while universal consciousness with Creative Forces is rather the awareness that bespeaks of life itself. And life in every form is the manifestation of that force called God.

Yet, as was given in those admonitions by Him—who in the flesh was a manifestation, or became the manifestation of that God-consciousness in the material world—“In patience ye may become aware of, or awakened to, thy soul. In patience, and living in that consciousness, I may bring to your remembrance all things from the foundations of the world.”

These are indications, then, that this entity in itself may—if it chooses—come to that awareness of its relationships to that universal consciousness, that Christ-likeness which is manifested by the relationships or dealings one with another.

For as each soul—not the body but the soul—is the image of the Maker, so with the awareness of the soul-consciousness there may come the awakening to the realization of the soul’s relationship with that universal consciousness, as is promised in Him.

Thus the records of each entity are a part of the universal consciousness, and “Inasmuch as ye did it unto the least of my little ones, ye did it unto me.” These are the channels, these are the records then that ever stand as that angel before the throne, that there may be intercession. For, as the spirit of the Christ is one, and the individual entity in its manifestations of thought, purpose and desire makes its awareness one with that consciousness, so may that soul awareness come. For, ye find thyself body, mind, soul. These three bear witness in the earth. And the Christ Consciousness, the Holy Spirit and thy guardian angel bear witness in the spirit . . .

Thus is each soul, each entity, a co-creator with that universal consciousness ye call God.

[Background: School counselor, Catholic. This was a life reading in which the individual was especially interested in her present-day relationships with various individuals and family members.]

Jesus As a Pattern

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