Читать книгу Edgar Cayce’s Quick & Easy Remedies - Elaine Hruska - Страница 31



According to the readings, raw apples are only to be consumed alone, with no other food; however, baked, cooked, or roasted apples are acceptable with other foods. Reading 935-1 states: “ . . . Apples should only be eaten when cooked; preferably roasted and with butter or hard sauce on same, with cinnamon and spice.” Why is this?

Simone Gabbay, nutritionist and columnist for Venture Inward magazine, says it’s difficult to speculate; perhaps “because the raw apple has such a powerful cleansing effect on the body, it could interfere with the normal process of assimilation of nutrients from other foods.” (Nourishing the Body Temple, pp. 85-86) Elsewhere, the readings describe raw apples “ . . . taken alone as a diet for the eliminations . . . ” (1206-8)

On December 12, 1926, a fifty-four-year-old woman asked: “Why are apples not good?” The response was:

In this particular condition, and any condition of this nature {general debilitation, nervous tension, assimilation/elimination incoordination}, the apple produces an acid that produces portion of the bitterness in the system, by the action of regurgitation in the duodenum {first section of small intestine}, produced by the excretions from the pancreas being overcharged by this nature of apples in the system. We have given the reason.


The strong, cleansing effect of this three-day apple diet is achieved in a fairly straightforward way. Eat as many apples—preferably organic—as you want or need for the three days. If the apples are not organic, they should be peeled. Cayce also stated: “ . . . Beware of apples, unless of the jenneting variety . . . ” (509-2) (See also Testimonials/Results and Additional Information.) Drink plenty of water during that time and coffee, if you wish, but without milk, cream, and/or sugar. While you may stay active during the time of this diet, you should not overtire or strain yourself with strenuous activities.

On the evening of the third day, just before going to bed, take a dose of pure olive oil. Amounts in the readings range from two to three teaspoons to half a teacup, or half a glass. If you have a liver condition or gallbladder problems, drink only the minimum amount of olive oil. This is a one-time consumption of the oil.

When you begin to eat again on the fourth day, don’t “ . . . overgorge the system . . . ” (1850-3); eat regularly and normally, but do not choose foods that are too rich or highly seasoned. Some individuals were advised to repeat the three-day diet monthly for two or three months, in order for it to be effective. Dr. Harold Reilly recommends taking colonics during the three days, particularly on the first day, or an enema at the end of the first or second day. If possible, get another colonic or enema in the evening of the third day. These hydrotherapy treatments may help prevent headaches, cramps, or other discomforts that the diet may produce when individuals are detoxifying; otherwise, one may begin to reabsorb the toxins being thrown off from the lower colon. Dr. Reilly also suggests taking a fume or steam bath (unless contraindicated), having a massage, and doing some general exercise during the three days.

Edgar Cayce’s Quick & Easy Remedies

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