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Part 1.
WRITTEN EVIDENCE submitted by Elena Vassilieva to the Members of British Parliament
in connection to debates on Domestic Abuse Bill
WRITTEN EVIDENCE SUBMITTED TO MEMBERS OF the HOUSE OF COMMONS AND House of LORDS when the approved bill has been sent for Royal Assent




Elena Vassilieva,

Moscow, Russia


Dear Sirs,

I am writing to you in connection with the following:

27th April 2021, the Domestic Abuse Bill has been sent for Royal Assent.

As I have informed the members of the Bill Committee (please see attached), I have been following closely the progress and development of the Bill from the very beginning all the way from Moscow.

As an expert in the relevant field of English law, I have also gathered information concerning all the facts, changes and developments in the English legal system that would ultimately led to the new Bill.

Many of these events, some of which date back to 2009, would seem to a bystander as somehow random and unrelated. And only upon closer examination it would become clear that there is a hard long term systematic work in preparing the population for the adoption of the Bill and living under the new condition created by it.

Acting in the interests of the British people, I consider it is my duty to inform you of the following: In my opinion, Her Majesty was not sufficiently informed about the threats and risks to the whole British system, which are contained, albeit in a carefully disguised form, in certain provisions of the document.

This Bill is not a routine document, like those that are studied by the parliaments of all countries in the world on a daily basis. This document provides a legal tool, the LAW, for structural changes in the English justice system, law enforcement, the whole concept of human rights and so on.

It should be said that the life of Brits would no longer be the same, and it would be divided on «before» and «after».

British people, as well as their Queen should be informed about it in details, and well in advance to give them the time to realize the all the consequences that are still to come.

In other words, given the importance of the Bill for the future of the British nation, I believe that, while providing the Queen with the Bill for signature, you should also prepare an explanatory note on its content.

I see no reason for your refusal to explain to Her Majesty the following:

1. Bill provides a legitimate basis for building in Great Britain a Totalitarian System that is as brutal as mankind has ever seen. The people of Britain could be stripped of all rights, including fundamental and essential, while the justice system would be transformed into punitive. This transformation can happen very quickly, within 3—5 years, before people even start realizing what is going on.

2. The way I see it, is that someone in UK parliament is planning to start mass repressions as something that is necessary for the establishment of totalitarian system in the country.

I base my assumption purely on the information provided by you, Members of British parliament.

Based on the numbers you provided during the debates, I estimate that, the total number of «objects» of mass repression, that is, «perpetrators» is about 10 million people per year.

Which means that within the first year after the Bill is made into an Act, 10 million Brits could be charged, detained and prosecuted under the new law or at least stripped of their rights through the application of Domestic Abuse Protective Orders.

Based, again, on your number, it only means that in some 5—6 years mass repressions and persecutions could affect as many as 40 to 50 million people, almost the entire adult population of the country.

I will give you an example from your own reasoning regarding your vision of the British nation as a nation made up almost entirely of criminals who, in your own words, need to be punished in most severe way. «We will… bring perpetrators to justice, and… provide an effective response to perpetrators», – this is just a quote from your oath.

As an example, the only «offence» that was criminalized by the House of Lords in March, according to you, would provide the system with 4.5—5 million victims and possibly the same number of «perpetrators» in England and Wales. 4.5—5 million «perpetrators», individuals «ready’ to be targeted by the state machine of repression for the only one of the many «abusing offences» criminalized by the Bill, in just one year and only within the jurisdiction of England and Wales.

3. It would be dishonest of you not to explain to Her Majesty about the «tricks» behind this new crime «abuse». As I said, I have carefully analyzed the background of the appearance of a strange crime, the first «crime» in the world justice history, that has no corpus delicti.

To put it very briefly, the following reasoning was behind the «Abuse», the crime with no elements of a crime:

It is obvious that, in order to start massive repressions against the population, it is necessary to accuse it, namely millions of people, of violation of some «law», that they have allegedly committed. It is necessary to have a legal basis in order to classify millions of people as «perpetrators».

But, unfortunately for some maliciously minded people, the current legal system in England does not list a crime of which everyone can be accused, hence the new crime had to be born.

This invented newborn is in fact an offence that does not constitute a crime, therefor any person can be charged, prosecuted and punished for those acts.

It was precisely for the purpose of having 100% convictions, that the «domestic violence» has transformed into «domestic abuse». It could be used as an instrument of inimidation.

In order to realize that the charge of abuse can be directed against any human being, against any law abiding person, I ask you to try to answer the question:

«What kind of behavior should I avoid in order not to be accused of abuse?»

Address such question to yourself and you will see that every one of you can be charged with abuse.

4. Her Majesty should be made aware that Domestic Abuse Protective Order is nothing else than a legal instrument that provides LEGITIMATE «tool» for mass repression. The DAPO differs from other types of restraining orders, that have been tested in England in recent years for the purpose of interference with people’s rights. Domestic Abuse Protective Orders can be used for the following purposes:

a. For the first time ever, it provides a legal basis to impose on people any restrictions and prohibitions, including stripping them of the rights that are listed as Fundamental Human Rights.

b. It helps to create a new intelligent system of extensive network of «informants» amongst population.

It could become duty of any ordinary person to watch each other and to report each other behavior to the police on permanent basis.

In fact, the wording of new DAPO must include, for the first time ever, the name of a «third person» whose duty will include to be in constant contact with the police and to inform the police that is going on in the life of the subject of DAPO. In other words, England is transformed into «Grassland».

c. Organization of the system of total surveillance by electronic means of control. Previously, apparatus of electronic control could be fitted on the bodies of convicted people, who were released on license.

From now the electronic apparatus will be fitted to the bodies of innocent persons whose conduct was not only not discussed in court, but, furthermore, who have never been the subject of a police report.

5. It provides the legal basis for the organization of a system of mass surveillance of the people’s thought process. People’s thoughts and intention will be subject of testing through extensive use of polygraphs and possibly more sophisticated testing tools in the future

The legal basis for mass use of polygraphs is hidden in somewhat confusing wording of the following phrase «…in addition… there will be a discretional group who can also be made subject to mandatory testing. These would be include those who… do not meet necessarily meet the test of being of at high risk of causing serious harm» (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/domestic-abuse-bill-2020-factsheets/mandatory-polygraph-tests-factsheet.

This means that the subjects of testing are going to be not only those found guilty of crimes and released from prison on probation, but those who are completely innocent.

The wording raises immediate suspicion: if a person’s behavior does not represent a risk to society, why would you want to know what’s inside his brain?

6. The transformation of the judicial process into a punitive/ Extrajudicial punishments.

In my view, in order to transform the judicial system into a punitive one, the Bill’s authors committed a real fraud.

In fact, there can be no explanation other than malice in their actions when they committed the following act:

They rewrote article 45 FLA 1996 (Ex parte orders) word for word, but they removed with no trace the role of the respondent from the wording. Respondent is an obligatory part of any court hearing. There must be said that there is no any judicial proceeding without the person listed as respondent is invited to take an active part in it.

On the place of respondent there appeared a strange new «participant» in the judicial proceeding», certain «P». This «P» does not mean «person». This «P» was introduced into the terminology in 2016 by Robert Buckland as an abbreviation from «perpetrator».

The person, the object of the restraining order will excluded from the decision making process.

7. Etc.

In particular, it is necessary to draw Her Majesty’s attention to the following.

As it is appears to me, Her Majesty has full confidence in Miss Theresa May’s promise that the Bill is supposed to be a kind of «miraculous tool» that will be used to put an «end» to domestic violence/abuse. This is a lie.

Mrs May’s handling of the fights against domestic violence/abuse is a complete failure.

I wish to support the above by giving some figures. I cite the figures as proof that Theresa may have made a mistake in her choice of strategy and tactics in the fight against domestic violence/abuse, and probably the country should forget about the Bill and return to the measures that were used before Ms May took the lead.

It is known fact, that in 2001, the government began to apply very effective measures to combat domestic violence/abuse, which allowed to gradually reducing its costs for taxpayers.

The cost of domestic violence to victims, employers and the state in 2001 was around £23 billion

The report published by Walby (2009) demonstrate that the costs of domestic violence in England and Wales had decreased to £15.7 billion in 2008.

It was 2009 when Ms May took a leading role in the fight against domestic violence/abus. In that occasion she promised British public that, in only 5 years time she would be able «to end» violence/abuse against woman. Then she spread her fight to protect girls, men, LGBT people and people with altered or unidentified gender.

British public trusted her promise and even funded it in very generous manner.

However, after the period of 5 years, people learned that not only the violence/abuse did not come to an end, but rather strange things started appearing in this area.

Such as, starting from 2009, at the end of each financial year, British tax-payers learned that Ms May’s fight cost them 5—6 billion more than in the previous year. This fact is especially impressive if you think that in the meantime, the same person has declared a regime of «austerity», within which she went so far as to cut police funding by 20%, the measure that shocked the world.

The simple comparison of the following numbers would immediately raise concern of tax-payers:

2001: the cost of domestic violence / abuse was 23.0 billion pounds/year,

2008: the cost of domestic violence / abuse was 15.7 billion pounds/year,

2017: the cost of domestic violence / abuse was 66.2 billion pounds/year.

In other words, in 2017, the taxpayer spent 50 billion more on activities related to domestic violence/abuse than in 2008.

British people or their Queen could ask Ms May: «Why did we spend 50 billion pounds more on one of non-violent behaviour in 2017 than in 2009? Or simply: Where are £50 million, Miss Ex-prime Minister?»

Please keep in mind that violent crimes committed in domestic environment play almost no role in these figures as they are prosecuted under Serious Crime Acts.


Your Majesty, please open your eyes! Your lords are lying to you. They are using you to crush the system

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