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Part 1.
WRITTEN EVIDENCE submitted by Elena Vassilieva to the Members of British Parliament
in connection to debates on Domestic Abuse Bill
WRITTEN EVIDENCE SUBMITTED TO MEMBERS OF the HOUSE OF COMMONS AND House of LORDS when the approved bill has been sent for Royal Assent
Legal Notes submitted to the members of both houses,



(Fundamental People’s Rights and the Legal CHAOS in the area of, so called, Restraining/Protective Orders)


Elena Vassilieva


Moscow, Russia

The below is an attachment to an Open Letter to the MPs, prepared by Elena Vassilieva in connection with the approval of the Domestic Abuse Bill, that was sent for Royal Assent. The subject of the Open Letter is: «HER MAJESTY MUST BE WARNED OF DIRE CONSEGUENCES IF THIS BILL (DAB) IS MADE INTO AN ACT»

A few years ago, I noticed that a new legal and social phenomenon has appeared in England. This phenomenon had emerged unnoticed and began to spread very quickly.

I could observe British authorities carrying out functions inherent to dictatorial regimes, such as extrajudicial punishments, illegal repressions, stripping people of their rights (including basic and unconditional rights) and so on. The role of respondent in civil proceeding got confused with the role of the defended in criminal court. Court hearings took place without giving notice to the person listed as a respondent.

The whole justice system began to show signs of the CHAOS.

In other words, the British system started to demonstrate the elements of a totalitarian system.

Since I have always been passionate about the matter of Human Rights in context of Western World, in particularly in the United Kingdom (which many observers, including myself, believe is transforming into a totalitarian regime), I could not ignore the emerging of such elements. Russian people should be vigilant and be able to identify any danger to their rights that may arise if someone gets attracted by the idea of destroying the Russian justice system in the same way as it is happening now within the English system. And I wanted to provide Russians with proper awareness.

Your Majesty, please open your eyes! Your lords are lying to you. They are using you to crush the system

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