Читать книгу Working Words - Elizabeth Manning Murphy - Страница 4



Preface to the first edition

Preface to the revised edition

Publisher’s note on pages in the ebook

Itchypencil 1: Collective editors

Part 1: The craft of editing

Chat 1: Working words: the editor’s job

Chat 2: Who exactly are you, editor?

Chat 3: Your friendly computer

Chat 4: On-screen editing

Chat 5: Variety in editing jobs

Chat 6: Seven deadly sins

Chat 7: Getting on with clients

Itchypencil 2: Oops! False advertising?

Part 2: Editor beware: ethical and legal considerations

Chat 8: Courtesy, cribs and copyright

Chat 9: Disclaimers

Chat 10: Editing students’ work

Chat 11: The ethics of editing

Itchypencil 3: When ‘brief’ does not equal ‘plain’!

Part 3: The business of editing

Chat 12: Project management

Chat 13: Project definition

Chat 14: Quoting: broad aspects

Chat 15: The proposal and quote

Chat 16: Invoicing

Chat 17: Office organisation

Chat 18: Editor, edit thyself

Chat 19: Editing on the move

Chat 20: Keeping in touch: emailing

Chat 21: A roundup

Itchypencil 4: A traveller’s tale

Part 4: Grammar: some basics

Chat 22: Why grammar?

Chat 23: Rules, shmules!

Chat 24: Parts of speech: some of the players

Chat 25: Parts of speech: more of the players

Chat 26: The arbitrating article

Chat 27: Relationships

Chat 28: Verbs: some basics

Chat 29: Verbs: more basics

Chat 30: ‘Nerbs’

Chat 31: One or more than one

Itchypencil 5: Distracting signs

Part 5: Grammar: beyond the basics

Chat 32: Voice: active or passive?

Chat 33: Case: from Latin to modern English

Chat 34: ‘That’ pesky word

Chat 35: Please allow my fancying possessives before gerunds

Chat 36: Confusions

Chat 37: More confusions

Chat 38: Even more confusions

Chat 39: What is a sentence?

Chat 40: Stacking sentences

Chat 41: Shall we dance?

Chat 42: May I? Might I?

Itchypencil 6: Watch out! A roadside warning

Part 6: Punctuation: marks that matter

Chat 43: Pausing with purpose

Chat 44: How much punctuation is necessary?

Chat 45:What’s the point?

Chat 46:The powerful ’postrophe

Chat 47: Apostrophe do’s and don’ts

Chat 48: The humble hyphen

Chat 49: Dash it!

Itchypencil 7: ‘Norf’k’ – and the geese and cows

Part 7: What is style?

Chat 50: A reflection on ‘style’ from 1804

Chat 51: Plain English is the style

Chat 52: Strong, plain sentences

Chat 53: How not to write

Chat 54: Avoid style crampers

Chat 55: Ambiguity, vagueness and other traps

Chat 56: Sentence structure snares

Chat 57: 1 or 2 words about numbers

Chat 58:Say what you mean – in actual fact

Chat 59: Colloqualisms – colourful but clunky

Itchypencil 8: Only in Melbourne!

Part 8: The future of working words

Chat 60: Inclusiveness: who is ‘s/he’?

Chat 61: International English

Chat 62: Editing ESL writing

Chat 63: Whither grammar and plain English?



Working Words

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