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Preface to the revised edition

This has been an interesting new adventure. Several of the original newsletter articles were written as long ago as 2003, so some rethinking was necessary. Most of what I wrote in the 2011 first edition still stands, but the English language has moved on and the way we express ourselves has become increasingly informal, even in formal writing. I have tried to reflect this in this revision while keeping to the basic premise that good grammar makes for good communication, and that good principles of ethics and other aspects of writing, editing and running a freelance business never change. I hope you enjoy dipping into the ‘chats’ in this revised Working words whether you are an editor, a writer or just interested in how words work.


My sincere thanks go to Dr Linda Nix AE of Golden Orb Creative and Lacuna for her expert editing and our really productive interchanges on editorial matters. Thanks to Linda also for her friendship as well as her design and publishing advice and all her assistance in the production of this revision of Working words. Thanks to Carina Manning for allowing the continued use of elements of her original cover design and other artwork for this revision. Thanks also to editing colleagues and friends for helping me to think through some revisions, particularly Dr Jon Rosalky whose advice on some areas of grammar was invaluable and Dr Scott Nichol for much helpful discussion about the changing usage of words. And I would like to reiterate my thanks to all the members of the Canberra Society of Editors publication team who helped me put together the 2011 edition – the overall structure of the book is unchanged, including all of the ‘chats’ in their original order, and a lot of the text that you helped me to craft has been kept. Particular thanks to Ara Nalbandian for his structural editing and for a number of examples that remain in this revision.

May your words continue to work for you, dear reader.

Elizabeth Manning Murphy JP DE

Canberra, 2019

BA Hons (Linguistics) FCES FSBT AFIML

Honorary Life Member of the Canberra Society of Editors and the Institute of Professional Editors

Member of the Society for Editors and Proofreaders (UK)

Member of the Australian Society of Authors

Website: www.emwords.info

Working Words

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