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Enrike Fluence

Werecat’s Choice

Marianne learns that she is the bearer of the Beast in her blood. He is a werewolf, and the hunt has already begun for him.

Going on an exciting journey through the snow-covered country of werewolves, Marianne does not even know who she will meet on her way and what to experience, what choice to make. What if this is where he meets true love?

Each person is beautiful in their own way, but seeing this is akin to art

Enrike Fluence

In spite of winter

Grow out of the heart

Butterfly wings


When I close my eyes, I see a red rose in the snow. Is it a rose? And also a beautiful bud covered with frost. A flower unknown to me, but very beautiful. I look at him and feel a rush of blood and warmth in my chest, near my heart. An unusual feeling. The contemplation of this flower excites me and warms me. I cannot let it freeze, turn into a fragile ice block of sharp ice.

Unearthly wonder at my feet, and another miracle of going on inside me.

Chapter 1. What is hidden inside

He walked over to the ajar door and froze on the threshold.

– Ah, Marianne Benton! Come on in, young man. Have a seat. We will have a serious conversation. Close the door behind you. And unfortunately, bad news awaits you.

Marianne closed the door, walked over and sat down on the indicated chair. If at first, when he was summoned to Director Defoster’s office, Marianne was surprised and wondered on the way what the reason for his visit was, now he felt uneasy. And the next words of the director were stunned.

– Tell me, have you had nightmares in recent days?

Marianne looked straight into the headmaster’s eyes. But he didn’t ask. He knew.

“You’ve never seen such nightmares before, and they scare you a lot. Something huge bursts out inside you, but does not find a way out. It almost chokes you and breaks your heart.

Marianne opened his mouth in amazement. That was exactly what he had dreamed the night before last. This is what prevented sleep today. Marianne woke up drenched in sweat, it was hot and stuffy. And most of all I was afraid of fear, which came from nowhere. He did not fall asleep again and lay in bed until morning with his eyes open, fearing the return of an incomprehensible feeling. “Does the director want to ask me about my dreams?”

Defoster ran his hand over his long gray beard and, not taking his keen eyes off the young man, said:

– The reason for these dreams lies in you. These are your muscle cells. Now they begin to behave differently. They begin to “develop” in a different way.

Marianne did not understand what the director was talking about. In the last physical education lesson, he did not really lean on simulators. He played football with his classmates. Most likely, this was one of the useless lessons in the cognitive sphere, but the most anticipated one. On it one could fool around a lot without fear of getting a reprimand.

Marianne looked at the director incredulously.

– Is there something wrong with my muscles? Marianne asked.

– Right. They have a property that is actively developing now. It is rare… Oh, I guess I am speaking in very complex formulations?

Principal Defoster cleared his throat before unleashing a frightening truth on the student:

– You’re a werewolf, Marianne! There is “It” in your blood. I can’t say exactly when you will feel the call of a predator, but it will definitely happen.

“What’s in my blood, Director Defoster?

“Ah… We call it the” hidden beast. “Sorry for such a terrible name, but this is what it is called in our area. I see fear in your eyes. But that’s not what you’re worried about right now.

– Director, director Defos … – Marianne hesitated for a moment, but then quickly spoke in a frightened whisper: – Are you sure? Are you wrong? Or was someone wrong? I’ve never heard anything like this about the Beast and about werewolves. And no one at school. After all, these are fairy tales. And we have not even studied them yet in the lessons of mythology or history…

“That’s right,” Headmaster Defoster replied gravely, pausing to peer at the young man through his old-fashioned glasses. “Still, I ask you to listen to me and not interrupt until I’m finished. Do you remember the medical examination a week ago in the city of Svenstap? All classes went there. And your blood test showed antibodies to the hidden beast. While the body is still fighting. But sooner or later the hidden will prevail over the person in you. Above a sweet and ordinary young man, whom I now see in front of me. And when this happens, you must be ready and know how to save yourself and your mind. Otherwise, the werewolf might just ruin you.

You need to prepare yourself, take a course of special physical and psychological lessons. They really help. The fact is that you are not the first student in our school to have antibodies to the “hidden beast” found in their blood. Therefore, I know what you need to do. Promise me that you will do whatever I say now. Can you promise me this, Marianne?

Marianne said yes, barely audibly. His thoughts were confused, and he said what the teacher wanted from him, without thinking about the assigned responsibility.

– First, give me your phone. You won’t need it, at least not for a while. He’s putting you at risk now. After all, by it you can easily find you.

– Director Defoster, but who needs to look for me? And I have all the numbers on my phone…

“You’re an orphan, Marianne. Like almost all students in my school. Therefore, I am not just responsible for you. I feel like your guardian. Unfortunately, I cannot protect you here. You need to hide somewhere else.

The director held out his hand, palm up, and looked sternly at Marianne. He obeyed. As soon as the fashionable thin iPhone fell into the palm of the director, he hastily put it into a drawer.

– Great, that will give a little more time. Having a phone in my office will show the persecutors that you are still in school. Perhaps you remember the Aalborg screening committee? She inspected our school a year ago. In fact, they weren’t interested in exam tests and educational programs. They look for young people like you and take them with them. Nobody ever hears about them afterwards. These young people just disappear. Even in social networks there is not a word about them. Also, their data disappears in the health insurance system. That blood test you took a week ago… They already know the results. I have my source at the hospital. And I just spoke to him on the phone. He never let me down.

– Why? Who are they”? Why are they doing this?

“This is a very ancient and secret Order. His power is great. Neither the police nor anyone else will help here. Until you know them under the name “Olburgsky Tribunal”. That’s enough for now. You can find out the rest later.

“But how, Director Defoster, do you know this? Maybe everything will be okay with me?

“There is no doubt about what I have told you. Otherwise, this conversation would not have happened.

– What about you and the other students? What will become of you?

– Don’t worry about this. St. Elvis’s School protects its students. You are in danger for now. Your departure will not change anything, either inside or outside the school.

The director’s words sounded convincing and firm as always. Marianne doubted the director was right. I really wanted everything I heard to be untrue, some ridiculous mistake. But the nightmares went beyond mere dreams. He remembered them and was afraid.

“Before these people come for you, you will leave the school building. And they will come very soon. There is one sure place where they will be waiting for you. The director lowered his voice to a hoarse whisper. To hear him, Marianne had to lean forward. “Almost no one knows about him. It is not on modern maps. It is called Wolf Mountain. You will go straight north. The journey will take several days. Someone managed to walk without preparation in a week. You have to handle it. Wolf Mountain is not to be confused. It is the highest and largest peak in the northern rims. The forest that covers it has a special power for werewolves and a scent. You will recognize her immediately, the blood will tell you. This place is the only salvation for you. Please forget your past. Now everything that connects you to him is more dangerous than important. Big changes await you.

Suddenly Marianne perked up in his chair and pressed his hand to his pocket. He heard a quiet familiar sound. His phone ringtone. But a second later I remembered that the iPhone was no longer in its usual place – in my pocket. A muffled sound came from the director’s desk.

Only now Marianne thought that he did not want to leave the familiar, reliable and carefree world of school life, and also because of friends. He did not want to leave them. Even Junia Claire – a girl from a parallel class – seemed now a kind and welcome embodiment of his world. He somehow pushed her in physical education, but instead of reprimanding him, he heard only a mischievous laugh. Marianne looked into her eyes in surprise and realized that he clearly underestimated her. She was different from her classmates. Not so important and pompous. Cheerful and kind. Then she seemed friendly to him, after he realized that he really liked her. You might have been able to ask her out on a date in your next PE class, but it certainly won’t. His thoughts were interrupted by the director’s voice.

“You must go,” he said, getting up from his seat. Marianne was already heading for the door when the director called out to him.

“Not through this door.

Marianne turned in amazement and saw that the director was waiting for him at the open door to the next room.

– Ah… I thought I needed to pack my things? – He agreed to leave the school, but without his things?

– I’ve already collected everything you need. Please come in.

Marianne has never been in this room. Private quarters of the head of the school. In the semi-dark room, a curtained square of the window was guessed. The director walked quickly into the darkness and after a short rustle opened a small door. Marianne obediently followed the director through it and found himself on the dimly lit narrow staircase of an abandoned tower. There were few people walking at all, since this staircase was removed from the classrooms. Ahead came the hunched figure of the director. Now to Marianne she looked old and feeble. He never perceived the director as a person with weaknesses. He was a symbol of the confidence and wisdom of the school. All his students, without exception, were afraid of him. And now, seeing the head of the educational institution hurrying up the steps, quacking and touching the wall with his hand, Marianne felt compassion. Before him was a feeble old man.

The staircase ended and they walked down a dark basement corridor. The director illuminated the way with his telephone flashlight. And Marianne was jealous that someone had a phone, but now he does not. At the end of the corridor, Director Defoster pushed the door open and it opened. Marianne wondered that the school doors were not locked. Even one that no one knows about. Coolness and evening freshness blew from the street. Marianne took the warm jacket handed to him. Standard school outerwear. Immediately near the door, a flashlight illuminated a small bedside table and several pairs of warm shoes. Marianne changed his shoes. The director put a hat on his head and held out a small but heavy backpack.

– Take care of the food. There are many things you can’t take with you. You have to move fast. It should be enough for a week if spent wisely. And this, – the director held out a small glass bottle, – take one sip every evening. This herbal tincture will help you survive the transformation and soothe your sleep.

Marianne wanted to ask what the transformation was and when he would see the director again, but his tongue stuck to his throat. The feeling of parting squeezed my heart. Always so domineering and distant, the director now took care of him.

Defoster squeezed his shoulder and said wearily:

– Go. And one last word of advice, Marianne. Try to be always human! Good luck.

Marianne walked quickly away without turning around. North, he said to himself. He, as if intoxicated, could not ponder, appreciate everything that he learned. A narrow path had been trodden from the back door. She turned right and led along the walls. But Marianne went ahead. He jumped down the slope, fell into a snowdrift. I got out and wandered north, knee-deep in snow. Marianne was breathing heavily, but he could have sworn he heard the door creaking shut behind him.

Oh, how familiar this sound seemed! Marianne glanced back, but the director, the path, and the door could no longer be seen. Just old school walls and a dozen lighted windows. The castle that remains behind has never so attracted with its warmth and comfort. Why was it a hundred times harder to take every step right now? A week ago, Marianne could easily leave the walls of the school and would not even be upset about it. And now it was more difficult. The corridors and staircases of the cramped small castle, immersed in the orange twilight (now such homely), came to mind. Even in the days of the knights, the offspring of noble families, and maybe even kings, lived here. But now this is no longer recognizable. There will be no more lessons on the history of the native land. The blue light of the small windows melted in the air and did not touch the snow. The lamps remained there, high above the peacefully sleeping ground. This is how this light does not see the velvety smooth surface of freshly fallen snow, so Marianne no longer sees herself in the castle. Somewhere up there, by one of these windows, Junia Claire is now sitting doing her homework.

Something trembled inside, taut, as if wanting to stay, but his legs carried him forward. Thoughts about the time spent at school became a sweet memory, and friends became a big and significant event in life, even if he studied here for less than a year. His heart felt big and hot as never before. This feeling gave strength and

confidence on an uncharted path. The hope and thoughts that he would return someday were inspiring. Even if this is only a pipe dream, an illusion, it is so necessary now.

Werecat Choice

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