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Chapter 7. Who’s here?
Chapter 8. Trap


Marianne did not immediately dare to get down from the tree. A minute later, Marianne began to panic from inaction. The sound of a snowmobile engine roared far beyond the trees. It grew quieter all around. Nero drove further and further with Junia.

And Marianne made up his mind. He almost fell off the branch, so he hurried down. Once again he froze for a second, when he was on the ground, he listened – silence reigned around the warehouse under the canopy. An idea came up, and he began hastily to search for something that would surely destroy the Wolves’ caches.

Marianne found the canister, unscrewed the lid, and doused both remaining snowmobiles with gasoline.

“Blink, I need your help,” he whispered.

The mouse crawled out of his pocket and sat on his sleeve. She clearly did not like the smell of gasoline – she spread her mustache and turned her muzzle to the side. Marianne brought a branch to Mignis. The mouse jumped at her, a bright spark shot up in the air and slowly flowed down the branch. First, a small drop, like red dew. Then two, three crimson drops appeared. A second later, the branch was engulfed in a strong flame. Mignis, not fearing to burn herself, walked through the fire, as if appreciating the work, and returned to her sleeve.

Marianne unclenched his fingers and stepped back. The flames roared over the gasoline.

A yellow glow spread over the snow and rose to the stars. The flames quickly consumed the snowmobiles and the canopy, spreading to nearby trees. Heat and acrid fire hit my face.

One thing is done. The second is left.

Marianne started to run. How soon will the werewolves smell the smoke, understand what happened, and guess who did it? Perhaps they are already very far from here. In support of this thought, a wolf howl flooded over the forest. The werewolf that issued it was far away. Marianne thought it was Pontius howling.

How much time has he lost? Snowmobile sound cannot be heard. So Nero had gone very far. The hope of saving Junia was dwindling before our eyes. Marianne tried to run even faster. He stumbled and sank knee-deep in snow, but he could not keep up with Nero’s snowmobile. He decided at all costs to follow in the footsteps of Nero. “We’ll see if it’s too late or there is still a chance to save Juniya.”

Marianne didn’t run as much as he thought when he saw a snowmobile tilting in a snowdrift. Junia, bound, lay a little further away. But the main character was absent in this picture. Nero. Marianne woke up from the numbness that seized him and clung to the nearest tree, instinctively hiding. Then he looked around the trees. The figure in white camouflage is nowhere to be seen.

But he’s here. Marianne knew it, he was sure. How long ago did the snowmobile stop? Where did Nero go and why? Marianne took a few more steps and froze, trying to make out the footprints of the boots in the snow, to catch them on the blanket around the snowmobile and the bound Junia. Marianne’s eyesight was excellent. The metamorphosis of transformation also affected the eyes.

From the nose of the snowmobile, there were ten steps ahead and that was all. Further, the trail was hidden behind a snowy canvas.

There were only tracks on the snowmobile itself. It looks like Nero got off the ground and walked up to the nose of the snowmobile. To the right, to the left, he did not leave. There were no tracks. Then where did Nero go?

Did the snowmobile break down due to the snow trick or did Nero stop it for another reason? It is not known for certain, but now one thing is clear: Nero heard Marianne running after him and now…

The heavy breathing prevented him from hearing the whistling sound, but his eyes noticed movement. Marianne jumped to the side and ran on all fours for the trunk of a nearby tree. A net shot from a net shot flew overhead and tangled in the branches behind him.

The enemy had enough time to set up a trap for the pursuer. He left the snowmobile in a prominent place, while he went around in a wide arc and waited to attack from behind. The feline reaction and vision helped Marianne out.

A gray silhouette of a werewolf appeared from behind the trees for a second and took cover again. Marianne peered cautiously in that direction. Nero fiddled with the same tree. Only now did Marianne see part of his white camouflage.

Marianne came out from behind the tree and ran at Nero.

Another biting bang against the barrel rang out over the left ear. Then – an abrupt crack. The released net tore off the bark and fell into the snow. Marianne was wrong – the enemy was not reloading the weapon, but aiming. Marianne was very lucky this time too.

Nero is huge. He seems much more now than half an hour ago by the fire. The weapon is not visible in the hands. There will be no next shot. Nero is hunched over, ready to jump, and ready to charge.

Their gazes met. Nero’s eyes were not eyes. Red glazed dots looked at him from under the brows of a shaggy black head. The wolf’s face is twisted into a grin. Nero was now insane and more a wolf than a man. Marianne could not believe that even five minutes ago he had heard human speech, intelligent words from the mouth of this creature. Nero smiled. He looked at Marianne. The short guy in the school jacket seemed defenseless in front of the Werewolf.

Marianne lunged forward at the enemy. Nero seems to freeze. Now he knew for sure that he was just a student, if he had not yet understood it. A loud growl filled the air. It bounced off the trees and sounded from everywhere, pierced to the bone, could shake confidence. It’s hard not to notice him. But you can ignore it, try not to think that this threatening evil sound may be the last thing you hear in your life.

Marianne ran very close to the enemy. Here are his eyes, red and lifeless. The grin of sharp fangs turns into a satisfied smile. Nero is glad to meet you. A new, or perhaps a long-awaited prey found him herself. He did not doubt his victory. His huge body, as if disheveled, is ready to rush. The roar grew louder, inhuman, but not wolfish either, somewhat reminiscent of the cry of a winner. Nero is already sure that he won, is about to sink his fangs into Marianne…

It’s hard to think sensibly in such a situation. Marianne raised his hands in front of him. The claws are directed forward. He’s still running. He will knock the werewolf off his feet.

Nero jumped, the growl turning into a squeal on a new high note, cold and wet breath hitting Marianne’s face. The claws ripped open the school jacket, but only tore off the button and scratched the air. Marianne’s reaction was faster than Nero’s. He jumped instinctively, dodging the huge mass of the enemy, and the werewolf slipped under him. For another split second, Marianne grabbed Nero by the back, but he walked past, slipped by inertia through the snow. Marianne rolled in mid-air, clawing at Nero’s back, and fell into the snow.

The youth hurried to his feet. Just in time: Nero had already turned around and was heading for him again. Nearby is the thick trunk of a huge tree. Marianne waited until the last moment before jumping up and grabbing the trunk. The roar from below ceased. Nero crashed into a tree. Marianne jumped down, trying to land on the enemy with as much force as possible. Nero was just rearing up, opening his mouth when he was kicked in the head and back. Marianne slid over the Wolf’s body. White camouflage cushioned the fall. Marianne grabbed Nero’s neck with all his might, both rolled in the snow. Marianne quickly worked with his hands, scratching the neck and head of the enemy, and he tried to throw off Marianne, turn to face him and tear him to pieces with his teeth. But Marianne wrapped his legs around Nero’s waist and tried to keep his grip.

A sharp pain gripped my right leg. Marianne screamed, then felt a strong blow from his back against something solid, his head spinning.

Claws and palms seemed to burn. Blood appeared on them.

Marianne felt Nero free himself. A moment’s clouding from pain – and Marianne loosened his grip. Now you need to get to your feet as quickly as possible. The young man raised his head. The forest floated before my eyes, dark spots doubled and multiplied between the trees. Marianne crawled to the nearest tree, stood up, grabbing the trunk. A black wolf’s face appeared. The white hood is not visible. The same red eyes with thick fur above them. Teeth covered in blood. The fangs are huge. This black head was heading straight for Marianne.

The limbs themselves grabbed the trunk of the tree and quickly started working. Pain throbbed in my right leg.

Another blow to the leg almost threw Marianne down. He screamed, but held on and pulled himself up even higher.

Under the tree, Nero ran on all fours and threw himself over and over again up the trunk, but he could no longer reach the young man. And the barking full of hatred turned into human abuse.

Madness fueled rage. The helplessness pissed off Nero. But a minute later, with an incredible effort of will, he curbed his wolf instincts, sat down under a tree, took a breath and shouted:

– I’ll get you anyway!

Marianne watched closely the werewolf below. Now he looked at the snowmobile and the bound Juniya. The girl was lying in the snow and, it seems, was trying to free herself from her bonds.

– You’re finished, kid! Shouted Nero. – I’ll skin you alive!

And a quiet, menacing roar came to Marianne’s ears. We had to act quickly. He decided that Nero’s hot temper could be beneficial. You can try starving Nero out. “Probably, he cannot think logically at all in a fit of anger. We must not give him time to move away from the blinding anger!”

Marianne dangled his left leg down and said, trying to hide the fear in his voice:

– You can’t even get my leg! And you’ll never get me! Where can you strip off your skin? Only yours!

Before Marianne could finish, Nero shot up into the air, clutching his leg. His teeth clicked loudly. Marianne managed to pull himself up and immediately hung with one hand on a branch, bending it down. Snow fell from the branch onto Nero’s head. He closed his teeth, but caught only the snow. Then he closed his eyes and began shaking his head, shaking off the snow flakes. Marianne smiled deliberately, reached out to a nearby branch and brushed the snowball off it. Nero was ready, deftly dodged. Not a single snowflake hit the Werewolf. Marianne dangled his leg again. Nero immediately jumped after her. A roar, a cry of anger echoed in the air.

Marianne did not remove his leg. He threw out the second and collapsed onto the Werewolf.

Both of Marianne’s boots hit her grinning mouth. Hit. A short screech escaped the fallen Nero. Marianne landed heavily on him, and there was a crunching sound. Probably the neck of a werewolf.

Marianne bounced off the lying Wolf, still fearing him. But the body in white camouflage did not move, the head was turned on its side and hidden in the snow.

A faint groan escaped the limp enemy. Better not to waste time. Of course, Nero suffered, but not enough to give up the spirit here.

“Have I won?” Marianne hoped to gain the upper hand over Nero, although he himself did not have a clear plan. But when he appeared in the formidable guise of a wolf, there was almost no hope of a positive outcome. And here is such a gift of fate! Or a lucky coincidence. The branch broke off, and there was nothing to do but fall into the werewolf’s mouth.

Marianne walked away from the Wolf. Limping, he walked over to Junia and leaned over to her. She did not move, she just looked at the defeated Nero, then at Marianne. She recoiled a little, as if she were afraid of Marianne. If you think about it, he really looked distrustful. Although in the guise of the Werewolf Cat, he still looked like the guy from the parallel class with whom the girl crossed paths at school. Marianne threw off her bonds and helped her up.

– How are you? In order?

Junia nodded.

“Marianne,” she whispered, barely audibly, and staggered. He rushed to her and supported her. Junia hugged him. – Is that really you?!

Marianne responded to the hug. He looked back over the girl’s shoulder, still wary of the appearance of the Werewolf.

The girl’s breath was hot and ragged.

“I’m glad I found you,” Marianne said, and looked into Junia’s face.

Her wide-open eyes seemed to glow green from within. The shape of the eyebrows, the nose – it was the old Junia. Only now there was a change in her face. It was neither fear nor surprise. Junia looked tired. Even exhausted. But the eyes are just as beautiful. Junia seemed to be smiling at him through them. The same Junia that Marianne remembered from school.

– He is dead? The girl asked in a trembling voice.

– I don’t think so. It looks like unconscious.

A new fright gripped Juniya.

– Oh my God! Oh my God! She murmured softly and sobbed.

– Let’s get out of here!

Marianne ran, pulling Junia by the arm, then letting her go ahead of him. He constantly turned around, afraid that Nero would catch up with them, but he was not behind. They ran along the snowmobile trail back to the tent camp. It was easier to run along the trail and, most importantly, faster, but Marianne did not want to return to camp. Five minutes later he held on to Juniya, and when she turned around, frightened and agitated, he croaked briefly, choking on the cold air:

– This way!

He was the first to step into a deep snowdrift.

Now they were running in a different direction. Marianne wanted to get as far as possible from Nero, his two friends, and in general from this place. Perhaps Nero has already contacted them by radio, and now the danger lies in wait in front and is catching up from behind. Turning aside, Marianne and Junia bought time and walked away from two chases at once.

At least that’s what Marianne thought. And in a critical situation there was no time to guess. You need to make decisions quickly. The leg at the site of the bite ached and ached. The jeans were soaked in blood. But Marianne tried to ignore it. The blood stopped flowing. This is good news. He will not leave a trail of blood and will not die from blood loss.

Marianne and Junia had been running for two hours. The guys were exhausted, their steps were getting slower. It was quiet in the forest. There was no chase. They ran away.

I had to take at least a short break, catch my breath, recuperate. The wounded leg was on fire. Marianne lifted his trouser leg and took a quick look at the wound. The bite site on the ankle was swollen, turned blue, the marks from the fangs turned dark red. Marianne was in pain as he walked. Junia was horrified at the sight of the wound.

Werecat Choice

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