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Chapter 7. Who’s here?


“Junia!” Marianne snapped something inside. Fear of new robbers faded into the background. Thoughts were now only about the girl.

“Is Junia here? Why? Where from? Was she grabbed by one of these men in white camouflage?”

Marianne the director’s words about the secret order “Olburgskiy Tribunal”.

“These are people from the Order! They’ve caught Junia, they’re hunting the likes of Marianne. These are the Hunters. So Junia is also a werewolf?”

Previously, Marianne was sure that the circumstances were unfavorable only for him. He had to run and hide in the ice forest. But it turns out that Junia also left school, and now she is even worse than him. It is not known what she experienced and what awaits her. The tone of the unknown hunter’s voice, coming from the radio, did not bode well and did not like Marianne. Junia is the only person who was dear to him now. And she was in trouble.

Marianne climbed out of his den and looked after the figures on snowmobiles disappearing into the darkness, heard the invariably fading sound of engines. Now this is the only thread leading to Juniya.

Marianne’s appearance was rather intimidating and shabby. It seemed that he had climbed the mountains for several weeks and lived in the forest. All the clothes were torn and dirty. The face is smeared with blood. He got dirty as he wiped away his tears. In addition, he dropped one of the snowshoes somewhere.

It was impossible to hesitate, and Marianne rushed after him. I had to throw off the second snowshoe, otherwise it was inconvenient to run.

Dusk was gathering over the forest. The sun shone with a red glow behind the distant trees, and the moon was not yet there. The next hour was expected to be dark. It was easier to run along the track of a fresh track, and it was not difficult to see the tracks from snowmobile tracks. It was lighter on the ice of the lake than under the trees in the forest.

Marianne fled into the unknown. He had no idea how he would look for hunters in the dark forest.

“They talked about the moon. She would rather ascend.”

Far ahead, two beams of yellow light loomed. The people on the snowmobiles turned on their headlights. Another minute, and these rays of hope disappeared from sight. They seemed to turn right. Marianne raced as fast as he could. With every minute the hope of tracking down the hunters in camouflage faded away.

The snowmobile trail crossed the entire lake from west to east. Soon Marianne passed the middle of the lake, turned ashore and headed up the slope. Here the snow was deeper. Marianne slowed down and walked, breathing heavily. He needed a little respite. It looks like the hunters in this place also had to slow down. This was evident in the tracks. There was still a chance to catch up with them. “Am I not going into their hands myself?”

Now, if the howling resounded over the trees again, Marianne would have known that these people were not so far away, but there was a silent silence in the forest.

The moon appeared in the sky. The whole world seemed to bloom with a pale blue and silver light. Marianne perked up.

A fabulous landscape opened up before him. Large trees with crooked rhizomes protruding from the snow rose high up. The moonlight penetrated the interweaving branches of the crown of blue snow, casting spider webs, fantastic laces of soft shadows at Marianne’s feet. Cold snowflakes shimmered like diamonds. An owl hooted overhead. There was a faint rustle of wings, and a shadow slipped between the trees. Marianne lifted his head, but could not see the bird. But I saw the moon. It lit up his face. Its light penetrated into the eyes and spread through the veins.

Marianne felt heat all over her body. It stabbed my fingers. Marianne began rubbing his palms, then thrust his fingers into the snowdrift. The pain disappeared, melted away with warmth. It seemed that now the hands were numb, something squeezed his fingers. The snow eased this sensation. Marianne wiggled his fingers, checking the sensitivity. It became easier and even pleasant. The pain and tingling sensation disappeared. Then Marianne tried to dig the snow with his hands. He liked it and found it funny. It was ticklish. There was no more heat in my hands. The snow must have cooled them.

But in the rest of the body, there was still a bursting pressure. Marianne took a deep breath of the frosty air, took his hands out of the snow, looked them over and gasped in amazement. Long, slightly curved claws protruded through the mittens. Suddenly, it also hurt in my eyes. Marianne closed his eyes and pressed his knuckles against his eyelids. The pain was gone. He slowly opened his eyes. Nothing has changed around, the vision has remained the same. But what happened to the fingers?

Now Marianne sat down carefully in the snow and wiggled his toes. Feelings were common, except that the shoes were a little stinging and tight. Probably, there were no claws on the legs. At least, if they grew up there, they were not as long as on their arms.

Marianne was excited and very interested in the transformation in her own body. How will he live with such nails? It is impossible to write notes with them. And generally hold a ballpoint pen.

Hoping that this transformation will not last long, because he is a werewolf, Marianne felt lightness throughout his body in a minute. He stood up, felt a surge of strength and energy. The state of health was excellent. I wanted to jump and run. Marianne looked curiously at the nearest tree. He was drawn to do something. Marianne jumped as high as possible and grabbed the trunk. The claws on the fingers firmly and confidently held on to the bark. He climbed up. He liked it too. Lips spread into a smile. He figured out how stupid it looked from the outside.

Marianne quickly climbed to the very top.

– Blink, can you see that? I have grown claws!

He looked at the hand. A fluffy little ball slid over it.

– They are delightful! – concluded the mouse. – Just like mine. Only humanly large.

“Yeah,” said Marianne.

Mignis ran to the other hand. Probably, make sure that there, too, with claws, everything is amazing.

“Look,” Mignis said quietly. – There’s fire.

Marianne froze and stared at the faint, tiny speck of light that trembled between the branches of the trees.

Mignis always feels fire. Even if you can’t see it. And here she, of course, was right.

– Bonfire?

– It’s a big flame. Bonfire, Mignis said. Marianne was thrilled by this discovery. All is not yet lost. He will find Junia Claire.

– It’s probably a kilometer and a half before him?

– No, further. – Mignis climbed on Marianne’s head.

– Well. Marianne’s voice was full of determination. The nose could smell burnt wood and scorched meat. He seemed to make out the haze of a fire in the air.

He climbed down from the tree. The descent turned out to be even easier than it seemed. The young man again began to run on the tracks from the snowmobiles towards the fire. The moon has energized Marianne. The muscles, tired after a long run, stopped whining and started working with renewed zeal.

When the fire flashed between the trees, Marianne slowed down, began to step more cautiously and listened to the reigning nocturnal sounds. Besides, I had to calm my own breathing. As he ran, he puffed like a steam locomotive.

In the shadows that appeared around the fire, Marian could see people. At some distance from them there was a large shed, under which there were snowmobiles and some other things. Marianne decided to approach from the side of the canopy, to leave with line of sight. The canopy was an excellent cover. The awning was stretched between four large trees. Here the snow was trampled down, which means that Marianne will not leave traces. In case of danger, you can take refuge in the trees.

Three hunters in white camouflage were sitting by the fire. Marianne learned their names from the overheard conversation. The largest and most sedentary was called Ersus. He spoke very little. Nero was short and thin. Pontius is the tallest.

– Do you feel it? Pontius exclaimed suddenly. At these words, Marianne’s soul sank into her heels.

– Yes! The voice answered enthusiastically.

“I’m hungry,” said a third voice, very quiet.

Marianne cautiously crawled back, afraid to betray his presence not only by the smell, but also by the crunch of snow.

– Ersus, buddy, look at the sky! Nero said enthusiastically. – The moon! And you mean food! How can you even think about anything else now?

Marianne huddled against a nearby tree. The voices fell silent. The sounds of fussing, puffing and grunting were heard. Marianne peered out cautiously.

Something strange began to happen around the fire. Something unnatural, frightening and even devilish. Shadows in the snow twisted and trembled in unnatural curves. Even the flames of the fire turned red and roared. The three hunters trembled, leaned towards the snow, rose and then fell again. It was over in a minute. The figures were half-sitting-half-lying in the snow and did not move. Marianne stood up.

– Oh! A rough voice bellowed, and one of the bodies stirred. Marianne dropped to the trunk of a tree, but continued to follow the people around the fire. Now it was impossible to call them just people. Although, one might say, they were not even before that.

– How long I have been waiting for this moment!

The hunter who said this stretched out and squared his shoulders. Marianne saw his face in horror. It looked like a wolf’s face. An elongated nose, protruding teeth and large eyes. And everywhere on the face there is wool!

The largest of the three coughed. And it sounded like a muffled bark. Then he crawled to the fire.

– The meat is not ready yet! – Nero shouted at him.

The answer was a drawn-out growl.

– Not ready? Asked Pontius. – Now just something to chew. Teeth itch. No urine to wait!

– You will scratch soon! Nero grinned. – I would have killed this girl myself, if not for the agreement.

Marianne stared at the painting by the fire in mute daze. Hunters in white camouflage appeared before him in a new guise. Werewolves. The loose clothing did not give a complete picture of their bodies, but Marian could see the claws on their hands. Judging by the changed voices, the metamorphosis affected the throat, and therefore the entire body. At the same time, the mind of the werewolves was not affected, as well as the memory. Instincts Marianne could only guess, but it seems they have become wolf. Otherwise, why are these words about teeth?

“Look,” Pontius said with a cheerful tone. – Our kitty seems to be scared.

“Yeah,” Nero agreed. He walked away from the fire and disappeared from sight.

Footsteps were heard, then a metallic clang. Nero returned to Marianne’s line of sight, but was still alone.

– Everything is good. Kisa will not run free. And now, maybe, the desire will diminish.

Various terrible thoughts swarmed in Marianne’s head. Others made my heart groan in pain. He tried to see where Junia was.

He began to make his way to the place where Nero had gone. The problem is that there were fresh traces. It was necessary to seize the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of Nero. But the risk of being noticed is too great. Marianne made up his mind. He will retire twenty steps from the fire and only then will he come to the place where Junia is.

The young man began to slowly walk around the werewolves, all the while remaining in the shade of the trees and trying to make out the girl. She must be very close, or Nero would not have returned so soon. Marianne looked closely. Snow, trees, snow again…

There was something else between the trees.

Meanwhile, a lively conversation was resumed, word by word, by the fire. Nero enthusiastically recounted:

– I chose an observation post by the lake. Everything is visible at a glance. All I did was glance into the thermal imager. I look, there is something warm on the ice. I drove to the goal. And there is. Here are the footprints in the snow. And here is Miss Claire herself!

Marianne held his breath.

“He’s talking about Juniya!”

– In short, you sat and did nothing! And we chased with Pontius all over the area!

– Why nothing? I caught the girl! You have to move your brains, Ersus. I noticed a good spot and waited in ambush, “I shouted rudely at my friend Nero and stirred the meat on the fire.

– Wait? Lying in the snow and taking time off from searches. And he sent us to “these screams”.

Pontius looked towards Marianne.

– Okay, things got off the ground, and that’s good.

– I want to eat! How much longer? – howled almost plaintively Ersus.

– Wait. Just a little bit left. – Nero examined the pieces of food on the spit and waved away the smoke.

– You, of course, caught her with a net? Pontius asked Nero. – The girl.

– Yes, with a net. She darted on the ice in different directions. A cat is a cat. One accurate shot from the gun and the kitty is caught.

– Great! – exclaimed Pontius.

“Anyone can do that on a snowmobile, Nero. Just try to keep up on foot, “said Pontius. – The main thing is the snowmobile. And you, frankly, were lucky that you even looked into the thermal imager.

– No. The main thing here is to wait for the moment. – Nero missed the reproach in his address. He liked to talk about his hunting merits. Now he turned to Ersus. – If you miss, there will be no second chance, no. I have everything thought out. I come in from the left side. The girl shies aside like a rabbit. I taxied and squeezed on the right side. And I’m already taking aim. I know where. And, of course, she again sharply to the side.

Then I shoot. I even slowed down and released the steering wheel. In order not to miss the mark, I hold the shooter with both hands.

Ersus took something out of his bag and began to chew, glancing towards the fire. The story did not interest him. Then he said:

– I can not wait any more. It is very tasty and raw!

He reached out to the spit and cast a sidelong glance at Nero. He looked at the meat, swallowed and said:

– Damn you. Let me myself! And then again you chop off the biggest piece for yourself!

And the werewolves were moving around the fire, feeding themselves food.

Marianne took advantage of this moment and walked quite close to the shapeless dark spot. There were only ten steps between them.

By the tree sat, curled up, a figure barely visible in the shadows. She seemed small and thin against the background of this stately old forest and completely defenseless next to these rude men.

Junia. She was tied to a tree, her hands tied. From under the jacket of the school hood, a pair of eyes looked at Marianne. The girl was scared and trembling. A black chain could be seen at her feet and then on the tree trunk.

Junia shuddered and sighed softly. She saw Marianne. This faint exclamation was heard by the fire, because Nero loudly and rudely shouted in their direction:

– Sit still! I’ll bite your neck myself if you’re going to arrange a circus here!

Marianne stepped back behind the tree and in time. Approaching footsteps were heard. Then there was silence, only the crackle of branches in the fire. Marianne bent down to the ground. Will they notice him or not? Narrow shadows slid past the tree behind which Marianne stood. Then a satisfied “Hehe” flew to the ears! Marianne peered out cautiously, trying to gauge his chances of being discovered. Nero shone his flashlight on Juniya.

He seemed to admire his prey. A thin girl tied to a tree.

– Sit-sit. And don’t rock the boat! – Nero spoke deliberately affectionately.

– What are you missing there? – shouted one of the hunters around the fire.

Nero turned reluctantly, but did not have time to answer. A wolf howl sounded over the trees. He walked from afar. Nero hurried to the fire, froze at the very flame and, raising his head, listened. His friends also listened to the howl, but it was repeated only once.

– Not early? – Nero worried and looked at his watch.

“The moon has already risen,” Pontius said. – Maybe someone decided to clear his throat and that’s all?

Howl answered another, who came a little closer.

Nero dropped the flashlight and took out his radio.

– Welcome, says “Invisible Five.” Will the big hunt start at seven? Answer!

Pontius opened a folded sheet of paper and peered at it carefully. Meanwhile, the howl was repeated.

“We’re in the Four Di’s. Ta-a-ak. Howl was from here and somewhere here.

– Welcome, this is “Invisible Five.” We’re in the Four Di’s. Will the big hunt start at seven? We’ve heard the callsigns.

Nobody answered him.

“It all fits,” Pontius said, turning the map to Nero. “You see, they moved north. Everything was as agreed.

But Nero did not glance at the map Pontius held out.

“The hunt has begun,” Pontius repeated, shaking his map.

– I see, and earlier for two whole hours! Idiots! – said Nero.

– You are always dissatisfied with everything. Relax and let’s enjoy the Hunt. Put the radio aside. Now she is not needed. Nobody will answer. Now everything is offline.

Pontius lifted his head and uttered first a guttural wheeze, then a powerful loud sound. Howl.

Nero turned sharply to the howling comrade, swung, wanted to argue something, but silently threw the radio into his backpack. Ersus chuckled softly and howled too. But he didn’t do it so loudly. Yersus’s howl was uneven and short.

– We are already in the Hunt! He grunted contentedly and cleared his throat.

“I have other plans now,” said Nero, packing his things into his backpack.

Ersus looked at his comrade with interest.

– I will deliver the captive where necessary, and I will get much more pleasure from it than from your Hunt, and not only, – Nero grinned under his breath. – Come on, take part in the Hunt.

– Great, I didn’t want to miss such an event, – Ersus was delighted, apparently, he was not tempted to mess with the captive. When he heard the howl, all perked up and looked discontentedly in the direction of Junia.

– And put in a word about us. We’re on your team, “Pontius asked. – It is not for nothing that we ran through the woods here.

– Yeah, we are your friends, – supported comrade Ersus.

Nero nodded.

“Yes, friends,” he grunted, not quite satisfied, then turned and pointed a finger at Pontius. – Keep your walkie-talkie with you, okay?

“But it’s forbidden to use any of these new things on the Great Hunt! – objected Pontius.

– I’ll call you as soon as I deal with this kitty. Once I’m within earshot, you’ll answer. Got it?

“Okay,” Pontius agreed and put the radio back in his pocket.

Ersus looked at his friends and smiled contentedly. Then he tried to howl again, but coughed.

Marianne, taking advantage of the new care of the Werewolves, crept up on Junia. She watched his every careful step closely. Marianne touched the girl’s hands. They were cold and were tied tightly with a rope. He loosened the knot a little. These fetters were not difficult, but it was impossible to remove the heavy metal chain that encircled the girl’s waist.

“Castle,” the girl whispered, barely discernible, touching a heavy object on a chain at the roots of a tree with her foot.

“I’ll save you,” Marianne said almost with his lips. The same eyes that he remembered were looking at him. Only now they seemed to Marianne a little different.

“Junia is a werewolf! Cat werewolf!”

The girl kept her head a little to one side, as if she were embarrassed by her appearance, but when Marianne bent down to her, she straightened. Junia saw that Marianne was just like her. Also with feline features.

– I will help you, everything will be fine. Just wait, “whispered Marianne and jumped back into the shadows, returning in his tracks. Then he took refuge with the folded things between the trees. It was a risky act, but Marianne couldn’t think of anything better.

– And how are you going now? It’s not easy with wolf paws, “Pontius asked.

– Not the first time. I’ll finish. I’ll be there by morning. And there my hands will return. And don’t be stupid, take your guns with you, “Nero said, kicking his backpack.

– Don’t be insulted, okay? – put in Ersus.

“By the way, guns are not by the rules,” Pontius said. – I try to honor the traditions of the Hunt. If the Wolf Council finds out…

– We have net shooters, – said Ersus. – Why carry an extra load with you?

Pontius nodded and continued:

– And I can not shoot from a gun with this, – showed an outstretched palm and nodded at the backpack. “And I don’t want it to rub my back.

– Yes, not according to the rules, Nero, – repeated Ersus. – Again we will get it because of your cunning.

Nero, meanwhile, fiddled with his backpack, pulled out a gun. It was uncomfortable to hold him in his hands with his claws. Nero took it between his teeth, but immediately threw it away.

– Well, to hell with you. I’m worried about both of you! And for the success of the business. And you and the net shooters are going to Wolf Mountain? Well done!

The comrades made no objection. Ersus sat closer to the fire and looked at the flame. Pontius scratched his leg with his claws.

Looking at the Werewolves by the fire and making sure they were busy with their packing, Marianne crept up to the outermost of the snowmobiles, pulled the hood. He gave way, revealing the inner tie rods and a small plastic reservoir. Marianne didn’t know if it was for oil or fuel, but the idea of throwing snow at him seemed great. Marianne slowly unscrewed the lid of the tank, holding the hood with his other hand (the sharp smell of gasoline hit his nose), then threw a handful of snow inside, scooped up more with his palm.

“Melting snow will disable the snowmobile”

Marianne was sure of it. At least I hoped very much. Footsteps were heard. They headed straight for the awning. Marianne, in a panic, somehow attached the tank lid, quickly pulled his hand and returned the hood to its place. The footsteps stopped.

– What is it? Nero asked sharply. – Do you smell it?

Marianne backed away, cuddling as low as possible to the snow.

The werewolves must have sniffed. There was silence. Marianne quietly crawled further and further, then turned behind a tree and froze.

– Gasoline, – said Ersus.

Nero appeared under the awning, froze by the snowmobile.

– Yeah, gasoline. Nero examined the snowmobile, throwing the hood open with a crash. – Who didn’t screw the lid down to the end? She can barely hold on. Hence the smell.

Ersus and Pontius exchanged glances. Ersus shrugged his shoulders.

– This is your scooter. You know best, “Pontius replied.

– Is the tank leaking? – asked Ersus.

– No, the tank is all right. The lid is barely screwed on. Nero walked over to the other snowmobile and removed the canister from the trunk.

– Just in case, I’ll refuel. No, though. The tank is almost full. Nero looked at the fuel gauge. There was a dull sound. Marianne tried not to breathe and listened to what the oolki were doing. They could smell it, but now the smell of gasoline spread in the air like a sickening curtain. Nero fiddled with the snowmobile for another minute, then pushed it out from under the shed. I inserted my gun into a special cover located under the steering wheel.

Now, in the vacant space formed under the canopy, the tree behind which Marianne was hiding was perfectly visible.

Marianne waited for the Werewolves to talk about something again, and quickly climbed up the tree.

From a height of five meters, he looked down, tried to make out the werewolves. Two by the fire. One is missing. Nero has gone somewhere.

– You will jerk, you will run behind on a leash, – heard Marianne a disgusting voice.

– Why are you messing with her? Let the blood out. Or let me do it.

Nero was near Junia.

“It won’t hurt her.

– Just let out a little blood. Liter. And she will be as submissive as your backpack. Will lie unconscious for another week.

While Nero led Junia to his snowmobile, the remaining two Werewolves extinguished the fire, threw their net shooters behind their backs and now silently watched Nero. Ersus and Pontius went hunting light.

They covered their snowmobiles and some other things under a canopy, secured with a metal cable around the tree trunk.

Ersus was carried away by brushing his fangs with his claw, when a quiet, drawn-out howl reached them.

– Are you still here? – threw in their direction Nero. – Run! The hunt has begun.

Pontius lifted his nose as if trying to smell a howling brother.

– I will contact you on the radio, okay?

“Yes,” Pontius nodded. He patted himself on the pocket.

– Come back quickly, – admonished Ersus.

The engine whined and Nero, without looking at his friends, drove away. Ersus and Pontius ran in the opposite direction. Where the howl called.

Werecat Choice

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