Читать книгу Single. Women. Entrepreneurs. Second Edition - Erin Albert - Страница 17

What about being a single WOMAN business owner? Have you perceived advantages or disadvantages to being a woman business owner?


There’s always a disadvantage with being a woman in business dealing with men. It’s really hard for men to feel comfortable around women in the workplace, or believe that women have the same level of knowledge and authority that they do. Men and women work differently. Men are about ranking. There’s a lot of ways they test and share how they’re better than the other men. Women don’t do that; we’re much more about connection, who you know, who supported us, and that determines our ranking status. That’s definitely had an impact on my effectiveness.

In terms of advantages: you have to be good at what you do and people will recognize it. But a lot of it is about salesmanship and you can sell as a woman or as a man. That’s bigger than anything else. It’s also hard for women sometimes to be effective in situations where they need to be really aggressive or clever. For some people in business, it is about winning at all costs. And, there are people who view business as a game. Women anticipate that the relationship will count for something, and in the game, it doesn’t count for as much.

Single. Women. Entrepreneurs. Second Edition

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