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31. Aix sponsa. Wood Duck.


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Rare summer resident; several small flocks in latter part of September, north of Red River, in Minnesota, feeding on wild rice (Kennicott). Rat Portage: October 10, 1886, found the head of a male Wood Duck lying on the shore (Thompson). Winnipeg: Summer resident; rare (Hine). I have seen the Wood Duck (Aix sponsa) at Westbourne, and it is always to be found along Cook’s Creek, east of Winnipeg (Hunter). Portage la Prairie: A rare and local summer resident, but I think increasing; previous to September 21, 1884, I never saw any in this neighborhood, though I had heard that a few pairs always bred on the White Mud River, near Westbourne, on that day; I saw two on the Assiniboine the following year; two or three broods were raised here, out of which, in September, I shot several, and on the 9th of October I killed one of the handsomest drakes I have ever seen; its plumage was simply perfect (Nash). Observed on Lake Winnepegosis by Mr. Tyrrell (Macoun). Carberry: A single pair taken in 1883 (Thompson). Qu’Appelle: I know of one being shot here in five years (Guernsey). A male killed at Cumberland House, June, 1827 (Richardson). Mr. Hine, of Winnipeg, showed me some fine specimens taken at Lake Winnipeg; he described it as regular, though not common, in the mouths of such creeks as flow through the heavy timber into Lake Winnipeg; Devils’ Creek is a favorite place, and here they are found feeding largely on the wild potato which grows on the overhanging banks, so that the bird may gather it without leaving the water; Hudson’s Bay; Moose Factory; Trout Lake Station (Murray).

Birds of Manitoba

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