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36. Aythya collaris. Ring-necked Duck. Marsh Blue-bill.


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Tolerably common summer resident. Winnipeg: Summer resident; common (Hine). Swamp Island: 1885, first seen, six, on May 9; next seen, the bulk, on May 10; tolerably common; breeds here (Plunkett). Breeding in the marshes of Waterhen River, 1881 (Macoun). Portage la Prairie: Common summer resident; frequently confounded with the last, and they are both frequently more than confounded by persons who shoot them, for if there is only one kick left in them when they drop they will utilize that to such good purpose that they will get under cover beneath the water, where they conceal themselves so well that it is almost useless to try to retrieve them (Nash). Qu’Appelle: Common summer resident; breeds; arrives April 20 (Guernsey).

Birds of Manitoba

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