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– DOUGIE DYERS, former teammate, coach and administrator

ERROL TOBIAS took the road less travelled and with courage, exceptional skill and faith destroyed the myth that people of colour were not good enough to represent South Africa in rugby.

The South African Rugby Federation had strong leadership in Cuthbert Loriston and his committee. The decision to move closer to the SA Rugby Board was historic and life-changing. It demanded integrated school, club, provincial and national competitions, with integrated trials and merit selections. It was a difficult path but the SA Rugby Federation’s faith in its people and quality of its rugby was not misplaced.

We were thrown in at the deep end and gave a creditable account of ourselves on the playing fields of South Africa and the world, competing against the likes of England, the Lions, France, and the All Blacks and locally in the premier South African competitions.

Errol’s great performances were an inspiration to our players and our people alike. The SA Rugby Federation produced many fine players and Errol was one of the greatest. He was one of the best players I’ve played with and coached. He had great skills and moved like a thoroughbred. He was a quiet, dignified man, and fearless – OUR FIRST SPRINGBOK!

He paved the way for our youth to aspire to become Springboks on merit and retain their dignity, bearing in mind this all transpired many years before democracy in South Africa. Errol made a wonderful contribution to world rugby and was a classic example of ‘Cometh the hour, cometh the man’.

Errol Tobias: Pure Gold

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