Читать книгу The End of Love - Eva Illouz - Страница 2





Title Page



Epigraph Notes


1. Unloving: Introduction to a Sociology of Negative Choice Love as Freedom The Malaise with a Critique of Freedom Choice Negative Choice Notes

2. Pre-Modern Courtship, Social Certainty, and the Rise of Negative Relationships Courtship as a Sociological Structure Certainty as a Sociological Structure Sexual Freedom as Consumer Freedom A New Social and Sexual Grammar Notes

10  3. Confusing Sex Casual Sexuality and Its Elusive Effects Casualness and Uncertainty Uncertainty and Negative Sociality Notes

11  4. Scopic Capitalism and the Rise of Ontological Uncertainty The Value of the Body Producing Symbolic and Economic Value Evaluation Sexual Devaluation Shifting the Reference Point of Evaluation The Confused Status of the Subject Notes

12  5. A Freedom with Many Limits Consent to What? Muddled Wills Volatility as an Emotional Condition Exiting without a Voice Trust and Uncertainty Notes

13  6. Divorce as a Negative Relationship The End of Love Divorce and Women’s Position in the Emotional Field The Narrative Structure of Departing Sexuality: The Great Separation Consumer Objects: From Transitional to Exiting Objects Autonomy and Attachment: The Difficult Couple Emotional Ontologies and Non-Binding Emotional Contracts Emotional Competence and Women’s Position in the Relational Process Notes

14  Conclusion: Negative Relations and the Butterfly Politics of Sex Notes

15  Bibliography

16  Index

17  End User License Agreement



Table of Contents


Title Page





Begin Reading

10  Conclusion: Negative Relations and the Butterfly Politics of Sex

11  Bibliography

12  Index

13  End User License Agreement











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The End of Love

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