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I am just a chronicler, I want my work to be about what it means to be a person living now.

—Marc Quinn1

Comprendre qu’être subversif, c’est passer de lindividuel au collectif.

—Abd Al Malik, “Césaire (Brazzaville via Oujda)”2

I don’t ask people about socialism, I ask about love, jealousy, childhood, old age. […] This is the only way to chase the catastrophe into the framework of the mundane and attempt to tell a story.

—Svetlana Alexievitch, Secondhand-Time3


1 1. Quoted in Saphora Smith, “Marc Quinn: Evolving as an Artist and Social Chronicler,” New York Times, August 13. 2015, accessed September 9, 2016. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/14/arts/marc-quinn-evolving-as-an-artist-and-social-chronicler.html?_r=0.

2 2. Understand that to be subversive is to move from the individual to the collective. See Adb Al Malik, “Césaire (Brazzaville via Oujda),” https://genius.com/Abd-al-malik-cesaire-brazzaville-via-oujda-lyrics, accessed February 13, 2018.

3 3. Quoted in Alison Flood, 2016. “Nobel Laureate Svetlana Alexievich Heads Longlist for UK’s Top Nonfiction Award,” Guardian, September 21, 2016, accessed February 13, 2018, https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/sep/21/nobel-laureate-longlist-for-uks-top-nonfiction-award-baillie-gifford.

The End of Love

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