Читать книгу A Calculated Risk - Evan M. Wilson - Страница 9


The Old State Department Building. (National Archives #VS 320-13-53)

President Roosevelt and King Ibn Saud aboard the cruiser Quincy, with Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, Chief of Staff to the President, and Colonel William A. Eddy, U.S. Minister to Saudi Arabia, February 14, 1945. (Courtesy of Mrs. William A. Eddy)

Chaim Weizmann, head of the World Zionist Organization, testifying before the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry in Jerusalem, March 1946. (Photo courtesy of the author, Evan M. Wilson, who appears in the background at the end of the table.)

A session of the U.N. Special Committee on Palestine in Jerusalem, June 1947, with David Horowitz (left) and Moshe Shertok of the Jewish Agency testifying. (Jorge Garcia-Granados of Guatemala is second from the right at the table.) (National Archives # 306-NT-21270v)

Haganah recruits drilling openly near Tel Aviv before the end of the British Mandate. (National Archives #306-NT-1190-14)

Damage caused at the headquarters of the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem, March 1948, by the explosion of a booby-trapped vehicle brought in by the Arab driver of the American Consulate General. (National Archives #306-NT-1189-39)

The author (second row far right) with Druse Sheiks at Abu Sinan in Northern Palestine. (Courtesy of Leila Brown and Martha Wilson)

Syrian irregulars of the Arab Liberation Army on guard in northern Palestine, April 1948. (National Archives # 306-NT-1190-2)

David Ben Gurion reading the proclamation of Israel's independence at the ceremony at the Tel Aviv Art Museum, May 14, 1948, with members of the Jewish Agency Executive ranged on either side and a portrait of Herzl on the wall behind. (National Archives # 306-NT-1189-17)

The Union Jack is lowered for the last time in Palestine, at a ceremony in Haifa harbor, June 1948. (National Archives #306-NT-1188-21)

The author (third from left) with Golda Meir. (Courtesy of Leila Brown and Martha Wilson)

President Truman with Clark Clifford, William Hassett, Matthew Connelly, and Charles G. Ross in the Oval Office at the White House. (Marion Carpenter for UPI)

Original draft of the White House statement for the press announcing the recognition of Israel, with handwritten corrections by Press Secretary Charles G. Ross, and signature, date, and time added by President Truman. (Harry S. Truman Library, from the Papers of Charles G. Ross)

Secretary of State George C. Marshall's letter announcing U.S. recognition of the new state of Israel. (Courtesy of H.E. Eliahu Elath)

A Calculated Risk

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