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List of Plates


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I. Doorway, Cliveden, Germantown Frontispiece
II. Old Mermaid Inn, Mount Airy; Old Red Lion Inn 6
III. Camac Street, "The Street of Little Clubs"; Woodford, Northern Liberties, Fairmount Park. Erected by William Coleman in 1756 7
IV. Stenton, Germantown Avenue, Germantown. Erected by James Logan in 1727 12
V. Hope Lodge, Whitemarsh Valley. Erected by Samuel Morris in 1723; Home of Stephen Girard 13
VI. Port Royal House, Frankford. Erected in 1762 by Edward Stiles 16
VII. Blackwell House, 224 Pine Street. Erected about 1765 by John Stamper; Wharton House, 336 Spruce Street. Erected prior to 1796 by Samuel Pancoast 17
VIII. Morris House, 225 South Eighth Street. Erected in 1786 by John Reynolds 20
IX. Wistar House, Fourth and Locust Streets. Erected about 1750; Betsy Ross House, 239 Arch Street 21
X. Glen Fern, on Wissahickon Creek, Germantown. Erected about 1747 by Thomas Shoemaker; Grumblethorpe, 5261 Germantown Avenue, Germantown. Erected in 1744 by John Wister 24
XI. xii Upsala, Germantown Avenue and Upsala Streets, Germantown. Erected in 1798 by John Johnson; End Perspective of Upsala 25
XII. The Woodlands, Blockley Township, West Philadelphia. Erected in 1770 by William Hamilton; Stable at The Woodlands 28
XIII. Wyck, Germantown Avenue and Walnut Lane, Germantown. Erected by Hans Millan about 1690; Hall and Entrance Doorways, Wyck 29
XIV. Mount Pleasant, Northern Liberties, Fairmount Park. Erected in 1761 by Captain James Macpherson; The Main House, Mount Pleasant 32
XV. Deschler-Perot-Morris House, 5442 Germantown Avenue, Germantown. Erected in 1772 by Daniel Deschler; Vernon, Vernon Park, Germantown. Erected in 1803 by James Matthews 33
XVI. Loudoun, Germantown Avenue and Apsley Street, Germantown. Erected in 1801 by Thomas Armat; Solitude, Blockley Township, Fairmount Park. Erected in 1785 by John Penn 34
XVII. Cliveden, Germantown Avenue and Johnson Street, Germantown. Erected in 1781 by Benjamin Chew 35
XVIII. Detail of Cliveden Façade; Detail of Bartram House Façade 40
XIX. The Highlands, Skippack Pike, Whitemarsh. Erected in 1796 by Anthony Morris 41
XX. xiii Bartram House, Kingsessing, West Philadelphia. Erected in 1730–31 by John Bartram; Old Green Tree Inn, 6019 Germantown Avenue, Germantown. Erected in 1748 46
XXI. Johnson House, 6306 Germantown Avenue, Germantown. Erected in 1765–68 by Dirck Jansen; Billmeyer House, Germantown Avenue, Germantown. Erected in 1727 47
XXII. Hooded Doorway, Johnson House, Germantown; Hooded Doorway, Green Tree Inn 52
XXIII. Pedimental Doorway, 114 League Street; Pedimental Doorway, 5933 Germantown Avenue 53
XXIV. Doorway, 5011 Germantown Avenue; Doorway, Morris House, 225 South Eighth Street 56
XXV. Doorway, 6504 Germantown Avenue; Doorway, 709 Spruce Street 57
XXVI. Doorway, 5200 Germantown Avenue; Doorway, 4927 Frankford Avenue 60
XXVII. xiv Doorway, Powel House, 244 South Third Street; Doorway, Wharton House, 336 Spruce Street 61
XXVIII. Doorway, 301 South Seventh Street 64
XXIX. Doorway, Grumblethorpe, 5621 Germantown Avenue; Doorway, 6105 Germantown Avenue 65
XXX. Doorway, Doctor Denton's House, Germantown 68
XXXI. West Entrance, Mount Pleasant, Fairmount Park; East Entrance, Mount Pleasant 69
XXXII. Doorway, Solitude, Fairmount Park; Doorway, Perot-Morris House, 5442 Germantown Avenue 72
XXXIII. Entrance Porch and Doorway, Upsala, Germantown; Elliptical Porch and Doorway, 39 Fisher's Lane, Wayne Junction 73
XXXIV. Doorway, 224 South Eighth Street; Doorway, Stenton 78
XXXV. Doorway and Ironwork, Southeast Corner of Eighth and Spruce Streets 79
XXXVI. Doorway and Ironwork, Northeast Corner of Third and Pine Streets; Stoop with Curved Stairs and Iron Handrail, 316 South Third Street 84
XXXVII. Stoop and Balustrade, Wistar House; Stoop and Balustrade, 130 Race Street 85
XXXVIII. Detail of Iron Balustrade, 216 South Ninth Street; Stoop with Wing Flights, 207 La Grange Alley 88
XXXIX. Iron Newel, Fourth and Liberty Streets; Iron Newel, 1107 Walnut Street 89
XL. Footscraper, Wyck; Old Philadelphia Footscraper; Footscraper, Third and Spruce Streets; Footscraper, Dirck-Keyser House, Germantown 92
XLI. Footscraper, 320 South Third Street; Footscraper, South Third Street; Footscraper, Vernon, Germantown; Footscraper, 239 Pine Street 93
XLII. xv Iron Stair Rail and Footscraper, South Seventh Street (section); Iron Stair Rail and Footscraper, South Fourth Street (section); Iron Stair Rail and Footscraper, Seventh and Locust Streets (section); Iron Stair Rail and Footscraper, Seventh and Locust Streets (section) 98
XLIII. Detail of Window and Shutters, Morris House 99
XLIV. Window and Shutters, Free Quakers' Meeting House, Fifth and Arch Streets; Second Story Window, Free Quakers' Meeting House 102
XLV. Detail of Window, Combes Alley; Window and Shutters, Cliveden; Window, Bartram House 103
XLVI. Window, Stenton; Window and Shutters, 128 Race Street 106
XLVII. Dormer, Witherill House, 130 North Front Street; Dormer, 6105 Germantown Avenue, Germantown; Foreshortened Window, Morris House; Dormer, Stenton; Window and Shutters, Witherill House; Window and Blinds, 6105 Germantown Avenue 107
XLVIII. Shutter Fastener, Cliveden; Shutter Fastener, Wyck; Shutter Fastener, Perot-Morris House; Shutter Fastener, 6043 Germantown Avenue 110
LIX. Detail of Round Headed Window, Congress Hall; Detail of Round Headed Window, Christ Church 111
L. Fenestration, Chancel End, St. Peter's Church 114
LI. Details of Round Headed Windows, Christ Church 115
LII. Chancel Window, Christ Church; Palladian Window and Doorway, Independence Hall 118
LIII. xvi Palladian Window, The Woodlands 119
LIV. Great Hall and Staircase, Stenton 122
LV. Hall and Staircase, Whitby Hall; Detail of Staircase, Whitby Hall 123
LVI. Hall and Staircase, Mount Pleasant; Second Floor Hall Archway and Palladian Window, Mount Pleasant 126
LVII. Hall and Staircase, Cliveden; Staircase Detail, Cliveden 127
LVIII. Detail of Staircase Balustrade and Newel, Upsala; Staircase Balustrade, Roxborough 130
LIX. Staircase Detail, Upsala; Staircase Balustrade, Gowen House, Mount Airy 131
LX. Detail of Stair Ends, Carpenter House, Third and Spruce Streets; Detail of Stair Ends, Independence Hall (horizontal section) 134
LXI. Chimney Piece in the Hall, Stenton; Chimney Piece and Paneled Wall, Great Chamber, Mount Pleasant 135
LXII. Chimney Piece and Paneled Wall, Parlor, Whitby Hall 138
LXIII. Chimney Piece, Parlor, Mount Pleasant; Chimney Piece, Parlor, Cliveden 139
LXIV. Chimney Piece and Paneled Wall on the Second Floor of an Old Spruce Street House; Detail of Mantel, 312 Cypress Street 142
LXV. Parlor Mantel, Upsala; Detail of Parlor Mantel, Upsala 143
LXVI. Mantel at Upsala; Mantel at Third andxviiDeLancy Streets 144
LXVII. Mantel, Rex House, Mount Airy; Mantel at 729 Walnut Street 145
LXVIII. Parlor, Stenton; Reception Room, Stenton 148
LXIX. Dining Room, Stenton; Library, Stenton 149
LXX. Pedimental Doorway, First Floor, Mount Pleasant; Pedimental Doorway, Second Floor, Mount Pleasant 152
LXXI. Doorways, Second Floor Hall, Mount Pleasant; Doorway Detail, Whitby Hall 153
LXXII. Inside of Front Door, Whitby Hall; Palladian Window on Stair Landing, Whitby Hall 156
LXXIII. Window Detail, Parlor, Whitby Hall; Window Detail, Dining Room, Whitby Hall 157
LXXIV. Ceiling Detail, Solitude; Cornice and Frieze Detail, Solitude 160
LXXV. Independence Hall, Independence Square Side. Begun in 1731 161
LXXVI. Independence Hall, Chestnut Street Side 164
LXXVII. Independence Hall, Stairway; Liberty Bell, Independence Hall 165
LXXVIII. Stairway Landing, Independence Hall; Palladian Window at Stairway Landing 170
LXXIX. Declaration Chamber, Independence Hall 171
LXXX. Judge's Bench, Supreme Court Room, Independence Hall; Arcade at Opposite End of Court Room 174
LXXXI. Banquet Hall, Second Floor, IndependencexviiiHall; Entrance to Banquet Hall 175
LXXXII. Congress Hall, Sixth and Chestnut Streets. Completed in 1790; Congress Hall from Independence Square 180
LXXXIII. Stair Hall Details, Congress Hall 181
LXXXIV. Interior Detail of Main Entrance, Congress Hall; President's Dais, Senate Chamber, Congress Hall 190
LXXXV. Gallery, Senate Chamber, Congress Hall 191
LXXXVI. Carpenters' Hall, off Chestnut Street between South Third and South Fourth Streets. Erected in 1770; Old Market House, Second and Pine Streets 196
LXXXVII. Main Building, Pennsylvania Hospital. Erected in 1755 197
LXXXVIII. Main Hall and Double Staircase, Pennsylvania Hospital 206
LXXXIX. Custom House, Fifth and Chestnut Streets. Completed in 1824; Main Building, Girard College. Begun in 1833 207
XC. Old Stock Exchange, Walnut and Dock Streets; Girard National Bank, 116 South Third Street 210
XCI. Christ Church, North Second Street near Market Street. Erected in 1727–44; Old Swedes' Church, Swanson and Christian Streets. Erected in 1698–1700 211
XCII. St. Peter's Church, South Third and Pine Streets. Erected in 1761; Lectern, St. Peter's Church 216
XCIII. Interior and Chancel, Christ Church; Interior and Lectern, St. Peter'sxixChurch 217
XCIV. Interior and Chancel, Old Swedes' Church; St. Paul's Church, South Third Street near Walnut Street 220
XCV. Mennonite Meeting House, Germantown. Erected in 1770; Holy Trinity Church, South Twenty-first and Walnut Streets 221
The Colonial Architecture of Philadelphia

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