Читать книгу The Clan Fraser in Canada: Souvenir of the First Annual Gathering - Fraser Alexander - Страница 3

The De Berry Organization


We have now seen the origin of the Frasers in Canada; they came in war, but the swords were readily turned into ploughshares, and the arts of peace cultivated with a constancy and success that equalled their intrepidity and valor on the battlefield. Years rolled on, the Clan multiplied and prospered, and, in the course of time, a project was entered upon for the formation of a new Clan Fraser on Canadian soil. The leading spirit of the movement was the Hon. John Fraser de Berry, a member for the Legislative Council of the Province of Quebec. A meeting of Frasers was held in response to the following public advertisement:

The Clan Fraser in Canada: Souvenir of the First Annual Gathering

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