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A chuirm sgaoilte; chuaias an ceol

Ard sholas a'n talia nan triath.


Scotch Broth

Boiled Sea Salmon from the Cruives of Lovat

Sgadan beag Poll-a-Roid. Pomme Natural, Anchovy Sauce

Bread and Butter Rolled

Roast Beef. Spring Lamb

Mashed Potatoes. Asparagus. French Peas

Fraser Pudding

Curds and Cream. Oat Cakes. Assorted Fine Cakes

Shortbread. Cheese. Biscuits. Radishes

Neapolitan Ice Cream. Nuts. Figs. Dates

"Smeorach Stratharaigeig; uiseag an urlair." —


"She wrought her people lasting good."

"Tostamaid ar ceann a cinnidh;

Mac-Shimi mor na Morfhaich.

"Master, go on, and I will follow thee

To the last gasp, with truth and loyalty."

Bagpipe Music – "Morar Sim."

"I tell you a thing sickerly,

That yon men will win or die;

For doubt of deid they sall not flee."

"'N uair 'thig an cinneadh Frisealach,

Tha fios gur daoine borb iad."

Bagpipe Music – "Caisteal Dunaidh."

"Sir, you are very welcome to our house."

Bagpipe Music – "Aird Mhic-Shimi."

"Highland Fling," by Master Norman Fraser

"Kindred alike, where'er our skies may shine,

Where'er our sight first drank the vital morn."

Bagpipe Music – "Fhuair Mac-Shimi air ais an Oighearachd."

"Of singular integrity and learning,

Yea, the elect o' the land."

(a) In Art; (b) in Science; (c) in Literature; (d) in Theology;

(e) in War; (f) in Political Life.

"Disguise our bondage as we will,

'Tis woman, woman, rules us still."

"And when a lady's in the case,

You know, all other things give place."

Air (fonn) "Clementine."

Deoch an doruis, deoch an doruis,

Deoch an doruis, 's i tha ann;

Deoch an doruis, sguab as i,

Cha'n eil Mac-na-Bracha gann.

The bagpipe music will be furnished by Mr. Robert Ireland, Pipe Major of the48th Highlanders, Toronto

Although the number that sat around the festive board was much smaller than had been expected, the elements requisite for a successful gathering were strongly in evidence, and, as a matter of fact, the inaugural dinner of the Clan turned out to be a most satisfactory event. Many of the absentees had conveyed good reasons for their absence, and hearty greetings to the assembled company. From a large number of letters it would be difficult to make a selection for the reader and the demands of space would prevent it, although some of them are really worth reproducing. Of special interest were the letters from Messrs. O. K. Fraser, Brockville; John Fraser, Wm. Lewis Fraser and Thomas Fraser, New York; P. M. Fraser, St. Thomas; Donald Fraser, Windsor; R. J. Fraser, Barrie; R. M. Fraser, Goderich; Rev. R. D. Fraser, Bowmanville; Rev. J. B. Fraser, M.D., Annan; John Fraser, Montreal; W. G. Fraser, Buffalo; Hon. Christopher Finlay Fraser, and B. Homer Dixon, K.N.L., Toronto; the last named a Fraser on the maternal side and a gentleman deeply versed in the history of the Clan.

The dining hall presented a very attractive appearance. The table was made beautiful with a tastefully arranged and selected display of flowers and plants, and appropriate to the occasion there were stags' heads on the walls, and the Fraser Clan tartan draped the pillars, doorway and windows. There were a number of articles of interest sent by friends, such as finely executed mezzo-tint pictures of Simon Lord Lovat, beheaded in 1747, and of Brigadier Simon Fraser, the hero of Saratoga; and a water-color of the Clan arms, from Mr. B. Homer Dixon; a map of Inverness-shire, showing the Clan possessions at various stages of its history, with the lands in the hands of cadets of the Clan, a life-size copy of Hogarth's picture of Simon Lord Lovat, the "last of the martyrs," a life-size copy of an engraving of Sir Alexander Fraser of Phillorth, founder of the University of Fraserburgh, sent by the Chairman.

The menu card, a copy of which has been reproduced for this volume, will be found to have been a clever effort of the artist, Mr. W. A. Fraser, Secretary of Committee. A representation of the Falls of Foyers is given on the cover, and on the last page a celtic armorial device surrounded by the names of a number of old Fraser estates.

The Chairman was Mr. Alexander Fraser (MacFhionnlaidh); and the vice-chairs were occupied by Mr. Robert Lovat Fraser, Barrister, Toronto, and ex-Mayor Fraser of Petrolea. A picture of the company is given on another page, which will form an interesting reminiscence of the happy gathering. From the picture, the face of one who was present at the dinner is unfortunately absent, that of Mr. Henry Sandham Fraser, and that of Mr. Wm. Fraser, of whom a brief notice is given on another page, appears, although he was not present, as he would have been were it not that he was just then stricken down with illness, to which, not long afterwards, he succumbed. The dinner was excellently served, and then came the toast list with the speeches. The first toast was that of:

The Clan Fraser in Canada: Souvenir of the First Annual Gathering

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