Читать книгу Single Wife Trapped Husband - Freda Milton - Страница 5



(And this is how some of us imagine meeting our mates).

Butter Flies

David: My God! Who is that lady? I must ask her out immediately before someone else captures her attention. She is so beautiful! My heart pounds with every stride she takes. She's so assertive and direct, yet gentle and sweet. Her locks are like that of a queen. She dresses like royalty and blooms like a flower. I must find my way to her.

Jillian: Why do I feel compelled to go near that man? I must place myself in his presence before someone else captures his eye. He is so courageous! Look at him demand the attention of the audience. I admire his confidence. Wow! His audience stands on his every word as he tends to each of their individual needs.

Coaching Commentary

You guessed the next step. David asks Jillian for a date, she gladly accepts, they marry and live a life of happiness. After all, they have such amazing chemistry, friendship and love. And love produces honesty, sacrifice, and devotion.

But, love does not conquer situations rooted in fear, resentment, anger, hopelessness, et cetera. All of which are exposed while trying to relate to someone else. Initially David and Jillian struggle to survive their differences. Let's take a look at several common scenarios which hinders love from operating at its best.

Single Wife Trapped Husband

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