Читать книгу Ejaculatio praecox - Friedrich Sauerländer - Страница 5

What's the trouble?


Whether premature ejaculation is a physical or mental, i.e. a physical or rather a psychological problem, has not yet been fully clarified scientifically. A too fast reaction time of the nerves in the area of the pelvic muscles is a possible cause. Later on in this text, some methods will be explained which help to influence this reaction time and thus to control ejaculation better.

Treatment at a psychotherapeutic level is of course also possible. This can also be done in combination with medication that is individually - i.e. tailored to the individual case.

However, therapeutic treatment is not necessary in every case. Once the specialist, the urologist, has established that you are healthy, you can easily perform the exercises explained in this book. The possibilities to get the problem of ejaculatio praecox under control are very good. The self-treatment, i.e. the exercises described in this book, are an effective means of stopping premature ejaculation. They increase the control over your body and also reduce stress. You should do many of the exercises with your partner. Last but not least, the partner relationship will also benefit - it will become more sensitive and harmonious.

Disgression: Communication

Women often find it easier to talk about their problems than men. They believe that they are best able to deal with what is bothering them. They believe that it is a sign of weakness if they confide in their partner with problems. They believe that they have to show strength and remain silent. The opposite is the case. Your partner will appreciate it if you communicate openly with her about the problem Ejaculatio praecox. She may be less bothered by this than you think that the love act is over sooner than you would like. Perhaps your partner has already noticed that something is wrong but has not yet had the courage to raise the issue.

Therefore: Communicate with your partner. Even the open conversation will help you to relax and the pressure will decrease.

Communication breaks the vicious circle: fear of premature ejaculation - silence about the problem - lack of relaxation during sex - premature ejaculation - loss of self-esteem - renewed fear of premature ejaculation etc.

So - give yourself a jolt. Make the problem a subject of discussion!

Ejaculatio praecox

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