Читать книгу Equine Lameness for the Layman - G. Robert Grisel DVM - Страница 5







Our Responsibility to the Performance Horse

1 The Responsibility of the Horse Owner in Successful Management of Equine Lameness

2 The Responsibility of the Veterinarian in Successful Management of Equine Lameness


What Is Lameness?

3 The Definition of Lameness

4 The Art of Seeing Lameness

5 Obscure (Hidden) Lameness

Bilateral Lameness

Multifactorial Lameness

Axial Lameness

6 The Issue of Visual Subjectivity Among Observers


Forms of Lameness

Reference Chart: Common Forms of Lameness

7 Primary versus Secondary Lameness

Common Forms of Secondary Lameness

8 Painful versus Non-Painful Lameness

9 Weight-Bearing versus Non Weight-Bearing Lameness

10 Authentic versus Artificial Lameness

The Concept of Diagonal Synchrony

11 Axial versus Peripheral Lameness

The Head and Neck

12 Consistent versus Intermittent Lameness

Reference Chart: Intrinsic Causes of Tripping in the Horse

Reference Chart: List of Equine Skeletal Myopathies

Neurologic Lameness

Shifting Lameness

Reference Chart: Visual Markers for Neurologic Disease in the Horse

Rein Lameness

Behavioral Lameness

Reference Chart: Common Causes of Poor Behavior in the Symmetrically Moving Horse

13 Unique Lameness

Reference Chart: Classification of Unique Gait Deficits


Pertinent Equine Anatomy

14 Terminology Relating to the Horse’s Movement

Reference Chart: Basic Classification of Equine Joints

Movement of the Limb and Foot

Movement of the Axial Anatomy

15 The Relationship Between Anatomy and Expression of Gait

Reference Chart: The Correlation Between Anatomic Function and the Nature of Associated Lameness

16 The Stay-Apparatus

The Stay-Apparatus of the Hind Limb

Reference Chart: Extrinsic Influences on the Behavior of the Hind Stay-Apparatus

Reference Chart: Classic Symptoms Associated with Mild Interference of the Hind Stay-Apparatus

The Stay-Apparatus of the Forelimb

17 Anatomic Behavior of the Lower Limb

The Flexor Apparatus

The Check Apparatus

The Suspensory Apparatus


18 Basic Axial Anatomy

Axial Bones

Axial Joints

Axial Muscles

Axial Ligaments

19 Altered Muscle Anatomy and Function

Reference Chart: Intrinsic (Muscular) Causes for Biomechanical Lameness

Fibrotic Myopathy


The Fundamentals of Productive Observation

20 The Game Plan

Choosing the Approach

Choosing the Gait

Choosing the Venue

Reference Chart: Setting for Basic Visual Lameness Assessment

21 Rules of Effective Lameness Assessment

Basic Rules of Observation

22 Key Visible Elements of the Equine Gait

Asymmetry in Axial Movement

Asymmetry in the Quality of Stride

Asymmetry in Limb Gesturing

Asymmetry in Foot Dynamics


The Method of Visual Lameness Assessment

Reference Chart: Basic Lameness Evaluation Protocol

23 Identifying the Affected Areas

Identifying the Lame Limb(s)

Detecting Forelimb Lameness

Detecting Hind-Limb Lameness

Detecting Axial Lameness

Detecting Complicated Lameness

Breed Considerations

Reference Chart: Basic Gaits of the Horse

24 Determining the Nature of Lameness

Weight-Bearing Lameness

Non Weight-Bearing Lameness

Combination Lameness

Highlighting the Nature of Lameness During Assessment

25 Determining the Severity (Degree) of Lameness

Standardized Grading of Lameness

Reference Chart: American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) Grading Scale

26 Determining Extrinsic Influences on Lameness

Temporal and Thermic Variations






Form of Restraint

Reference Chart: Extrinsic Influences on the Nature of Lameness

27 Identifying Distinctive Features of the Gait

Suggestive Traits

Reference Chart: Lameness Traits That Are Suggestive

Symptomatic Traits

Reference Chart: Lameness Traits That Are Symptomatic

Pathognomonic Traits

Reference Chart: Lameness Traits That Are Pathognomonic

28 Confirming the Primary Component(s) of Lameness

Manifestations of Referred Lameness

Reference Chart: Step-by-Step Lameness Assessment of the Horse


The Gait Signature

29 Designation of the Horse’s Gait Signature

Reference Chart: Sample Classification of Gait Characteristics

30 Correlating the Gait Signature with Likely Sources of Lameness

Reference Chart: Sample Correlation of Gait Deficits with Veterinary Diagnoses


Applying Our Observations to the Diagnostic Process

31 Visual Observation as Part of the Diagnostic Workup

32 Building and Sharing Your Gait Signature Library

Video Archiving

Written Reports

Include the Diagnosis

Sharing Records

33 The Future of Visual Assessment and Gait Signature Characterization in the Diagnosis and Management of Equine Lameness


Video Quick Reference Library

About the Author


Equine Lameness for the Layman

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