Читать книгу Finding Zoe - Gail Harris - Страница 2



Finding Zoe

Finding Zoe is a heartwarming story about identity, self-acceptance, and love. Brandi shares her deeply personal experience of ‘coming of age’ during her years at Rochester Institute of Technology’s National Technical Institute for the Deaf. College is a transformative experience for most young people, but attending RIT/NTID after growing up as Brandi and I did, in hearing families and mainstream schools, is truly life-altering. Brandi beautifully captures the joy of finally fitting in, feeling at home, and finding yourself.”

—Dr. Gerard J. Buckley, President of National Technical Institute for the Deaf

“Motherhood—however it is achieved—is a beautiful thing. The journey in Finding Zoe is captivating and inspirational, and above all, a story about doing what is right for our children, as well as ourselves, no matter how difficult . . . and then seeing all of the pieces fall miraculously into place. Finding Zoe is a joy to watch unfold.”

—Jill Smokler, New York Times bestselling author of Confessions of a Scary Mommy and Motherhood Comes Naturally (And Other Vicious Lies)

“A must-read for any adoptive parent, or anyone considering adoption. Brandi Rarus’s story of Finding Zoe is an amazing reminder that the power of love overcomes life’s most challenging obstacles and nothing can stand in the way of what’s meant to be.”

—Mary Donahue, Senior Vice President of Non-Fiction at Lifetime Television Network, and adoptive parent

“Just as my character on Switched at Birth has helped to expose the Deaf community for what it really is to our mainstream TV audience, so too does Finding Zoe break down the barriers between the hearing and Deaf communities by showing Deaf Culture in ways never seen before . . . deaf people and deaf families with identity issues and conflicts universal in scope . . . seeking the love that all of us need . . . and the compelling lessons learned by being human. Bravo to Finding Zoe.”

—Sean Berdy, actor on the ABC TV hit series, Switched at Birth, and Peabody Award Recipient

Finding Zoe shines an unbiased light on teen pregnancy, adoption, and the sacrifice parents make to find the best home for their children. A must-read for teenagers and their parents, or for anyone else who may be contemplating their choices for an unintended pregnancy.”

—Jan and Bob Charnecki, founders of Options Pregnancy Center

“A work of both heart and mind, driven by the authors’ passions to describe our rich history as deaf people, that paved the way for deaf children like Zoe . . . a book that both deaf and hearing people have longed for.”

—Greg Hlibok, student leader of the Deaf President Now protest at Gallaudet University

“This isn’t just a book for people interested in adoption; it’s an inspiring story that will touch the heart of anyone with a connection to children and families—which is to say, almost everyone.”

—Adam Pertman, Executive Director of Donaldson Adoption Institute, and author of Adoption Nation

“This really hits home . . . The story of a deaf baby who finds her way to a deaf family . . . and embraces her culture and language. A great introduction to the Deaf community.”

—Chris Wagner, President of National Association of the Deaf

Finding Zoe

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