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Exercise Two: What Creative Dreams Have You Abandoned and Why?


Make a list of all the things you wanted to do, but didn't. Then, think back to what your intuition told you about these options. Choose one. Are you still interested in this path? What does your inner voice tell you about this choice now? Note any patterns that are still possible or an enduring vision that you want to manifest.

You need to make peace with these cast-off dreams. What can you learn from your mistakes? Rose learned that she hadn't been ready until recently to write her play. her vision just became vivid enough for her to tell the story, so she was able to release her regrets. Melissa, on the other hand, always wanted to become a lawyer. At age fifty, she thought she was too old, but the dream still beckoned her.

This was a choice point for her. She could either live the rest of her life with the sorrow of not having become a lawyer, or she could go to law school. Or she could leverage her skills and become a lobbyist, a political activist, a paralegal, a city official, or fulfill her dream in numerous alternative ways. It was time for Melissa to move on.

Grieve what you must and then turn the corner and make room for the next episode.

Learning to trust your intuition is the critical foundation for creativity. Think back to the times when you were clear that a particular choice was not a wise one. Your “gut” warned you against it.

Nadia, a billing consultant, recalls a phone call she received from a potential client. The woman owned an antique store and sounded stressed, disorganized, and demanding. Nadia had a negative visceral reaction to the woman's voice. But Nadia needed more business and this was a big account, so she hushed her intuitive radar and accepted the woman as a client. A year later, the woman sued Nadia for malpractice.

During the legal proceedings, Nadia learned that this woman had sued her last two billing agents and that lawsuits, not antiques, were her primary source of income. Nadia swore to heed her intuitive doubts in the future.

The 12 Secrets of Highly Successful Women

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