Читать книгу The 12 Secrets of Highly Successful Women - Gail McMeekin - Страница 6





Secret One

Express Your Creative Gifts and Life Purpose

Secret Two

Sift Through Your Ideas to Get Heart-Focused

Secret Three

Heal Your Self-Esteem and Your Fears

Secret Four

Learn New Mindsets for Courage and Success

Secret Five

Design Action Strategies That Work

Secret Six

Commit to Your Muse and Your Intuition

Secret Seven

Crafting a Business Plan That Helps you to Grow Personally, Generates Prosperity, and Enhances Your Lifestyle

Secret Eight

Short-Circuit Self-Sabotage, Obstacles, and Failures

Secret Nine

Learn to Let Go and Leap—Embrace Transition and Being Unnerved

Secret Ten

Avoid the Female Burnout Traps

Secret Eleven

Build Effective Mind/Body/Heart/Spirit Strategies to Nurture Your Success and Well Being

Secret Twelve

Initiate Transformation for You and Your Team



The 12 Secrets of Highly Successful Women

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