Читать книгу The 12 Secrets of Highly Successful Women - Gail McMeekin - Страница 7




You are about to embark on a journey of self-discovery and learn the wisdom of success. I suggest that you invest in a compact, beautiful journal that you can carry with you long after you read this book for the first time. Throughout the book, you will find many special Challenges exercises to complete to make this experience more meaningful for you. Use your journal to record your responses to these Challenges.

Then, after you have finished your first reading of this book, carry your journal with you and note down your own secrets to success and your stretch goals for a happy and prosperous future of heartfelt success and a life of fulfillment. It all begins with loving yourself and extending that love to others by being the person that you aspire to be. Do creative work that nourishes you, other people and creatures, and the planet. You are meant to be here. Take advantage of it.

Just a note, as there are so many wonderful, successful women in America, I invited a diverse group of one hundred women to be interviewed for this book, with a goal of only interviewing twenty-five, although I interviewed a few more than that. The women who responded positively to my request generously and openly shared their work and life experiences and their wisdom with us. As with my first book, The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women: A Portable Mentor, I did not chase women for the book. I trusted that each woman who chose to participate and to serve as a mentor to other women knew intuitively that it was the right thing to do and that she wanted to be part of this project. We owe each of them our gratitude and respect. Their website addresses are in the back of the book in the Resources section. I thank them with all my heart.

Gail McMeekin, LICSW, Creative Success LLC

Boston, Fall 2010

The 12 Secrets of Highly Successful Women

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