Читать книгу The 12 Secrets of Highly Successful Women - Gail McMeekin - Страница 31



What kinds of physical or emotional “pain” are you accepting in your life? Do you need to discover more fulfilling work? Do you need to redirect your creative energy? Do you need to get healthy? Do you need more friends? Keep a journal for a month and use it to take a personal “pain” inventory of what is not working in your life. Choose three action steps to complete this year, remembering that you will need to carve out time to initiate your new intentions. Conquering pain that we can fix is proactive and is a signal to the universe that we are empowered!

As we grow, we must deal with losses. Just as we do balance sheets of profits and losses in our business, we need to take time regularly to acknowledge our blessings and release our failures and disappointments.

Some of you had creative dreams that failed to manifest or were delayed. Still others feel stuck or had to deal with an unexpected life crisis. I remember a time when I lost my astrologist of fifteen years to retirement, my intuitive advisor of many years died suddenly of cancer, my virtual assistant of seven years and my web designer both moved on to new opportunities, and my hairdresser, Mandy, went out on maternity leave. I also had a number of new health challenges that year and was not able to move ahead as rapidly as I had hoped with my business.

The 12 Secrets of Highly Successful Women

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